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Namjoon POV

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Namjoon POV

He watched her fall, her frail body hit the hard floor, shards of glass sticking into her arms.

He felt the side of his lips sneak up into a small smirk, his eyes stuck on the body laying, almost lifeless on the floor.


Namjoon heard a shout.
Instantly he threw the pill bottle on the side and ran over to y/n.

As soon as he knelt down on the floor by your side, y/n's father came rushing in, his eyes turning wide and his mouth agape.

He rushed over to the other side of the female and held her hand in his.

Soon the males eyes travelled from her body to the male kneeling opposite him.

" what did you do?!"
His voice low, deep and slow.
Namjoon felt the rumble in his chest from his voice.

" it wasn't me I swear!"
He lied, holding in the smile that his body was holding.
He raised his hands in surrender and looked at her.

" she's lying on glass, let's get her up and on a bed."
Namjoon spoke, his eyes diverting from the males across him.

With strength, y/n's father slid his hands under the females body and lifted her up, holding her tight to him.
His eyes flickering with anger and worry.

He passed namjoon and walked up the stairs to a room.

Namjoon stood back up and kicked the glass to one side of the kitchen and walked back out into the living room, sitting himself down on the couch.

He should've put in a extra pill.

☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆


Darkness surrounded you, nothing but black was all you could see.
The sweet scent of food coated your surroundings.
And with one blink, your eyes were open.
You were in a room, not one of which you can remember.

" w-where am I?"
You spoke, deep coats of thick air swimming through your throat.

With a gravely tone in your voice, you coughed instantly clearing your throat.

" still at the house."
Someone spoke.


A small tray full of food was beside you, obviously made by your father.

" you fainted,"
Namjoon added, his hands making their way into his pockets, a sly expression playing upon his face as he leant against the door frame.

You smiled and sat up slightly, your head throbbing.
You instantly got your hands and placed them on your head, hoping to calm the aching down.

It did nothing.

Namjoon did nothing.

He was smiling.
Hoping the pill has done what it said it'll do.

" I feel extremely faint still, my head is blurred and so is by hearing,"
You spoke quietly.
Breathing deeply to calm your anxiety.

" do you know what's wrong?"
You asked, your voice getting weaker with every word.

" nope,"
Namjoon exclaimed, leaning off the sore frame and walking over to you.

He left his hands in his pockets yet he still leant over, infront of your face, his eyebrow raised slightly.

" not at all,"
He emphasised, instantly making you suspicious.

But that soon went when you felt weak.
Your eyelids shutting themselves, your back falling onto the bed and gasping for air that you couldn't take in.

Namjoon smirked, standing back up straight and walking backwards towards the door, occasionally turning around then looking at you again.

Another step closer.

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