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The best time of the day.

Especially when your sat on the window, watching the sun appear from nowhere, shadows disappearing out of sight as a light orange glow filled the sky.

The trees slightly shaking due to the wind blowing gently on them, creating a small whistle throughout the silent forest.
Small creatures coming out from the smallest of places to enjoy the silent morning.
Birds slowly humming to a song of their own, sounding similar to the melody playing in your head.

With your hands on either side of your waist, your feet dangling out of the window you smiled, the sun creating a warm glow on every part of your body, the origin of the light directly in-front of you.

" enjoying the view? "
A male called.

You turned your head and instantly smiled, your father stood by your door frame, with one eyebrow raised and a smile plastered on his young face.

" yes. I wish I could watch it every morning."
You answered, turning back to the view you wish to see everyday.

" why can't you?"
He asked, his voice lower but still calm and collected.

You froze in your spot and looked around, thinking of an answer.

" I umm.. I... Jungkook's a really good influence, he doesn't leave every night to kill someone.. I'm sorry father but I hate watching you leave the house, only hoping you'll come back in one piece."

You quickly answered, your throat clogging up.

Your father didn't answer, he didn't dare answer.
He knew what you were saying was right and better for you, but he couldn't loose you.
He couldn't afford to loose you.

He stood with his eyes watching the back of your head, the wind sweeping your hair up to the left.

" come down for breakfast soon."

He changed the subject, leaving you in your room with the door shut.
He let his hands slowly leave the door knob and he brought his hand up to his chest.

He didn't like the sound of jungkook, even if he was better for you.
He couldn't let you go.

With a smile you jumped back into your room, keeping the window at a large angle.

You turned around and admired the room in front of you.
It really was beautiful, like the room Jungkook decorated for you yet this room brought back many memories of your child hood.
With that you drifted away, into memory lane.


The small lamp beside your bed shone a yellow tone, the sound of sweet melodies of the piano playing in The background.

You turned your head and watched your father play the piano, his fingers caressing the keys so gently.
His body swaying with every note.

You smiled sweetly and stood up, walking over to him, standing right behind him, watching the keys create a sound so lovely it could send you to sleep that moment.
You looked up at your room, the pink walls looking an orange due to the sunset.
The birds chirping again, saying goodnight to one another.

You moved from behind your father to the window, bringing your desk chair up so you could see the sun set.

Soon the music came to an end.
You turned around and caught eyes with your father.

" why did you stop father? "
You asked, your small voice being the only thing other than the birds creating a sound.

" i wanted to play with you instead."

He said, his sweet smile covering his face.
With that you jumped off the chair and skipped over to your father, sitting right next to him.

" you know what to do sugar."
He said, his hands resting in the correct position on the keyboard.

You nodded and smiled, your right hand covering three keys.

" on the count of three"
He said.
" one. Two. Three"

As he said three you both pressed your fingers down on the key board, your father speeding up his finger work while you played the lower keys.

Together you created a master piece.
Both smiling at each other.

" I promise that forever you will be safe and secure within my life. "

End of flashback-

You wiped the small tear escaping from your eyes.

The piano in-front of you now.
You sat down and sniffled, placing your fingers on the keys and slowly pressing down, creating a melody.
Within seconds you were playing the song you and your father made up.

'Magic shop'

You made the name when you were younger, hoping one day to go to the magic shop and buy love for your father whom had just lost his wife.

You smiled, whispering the words you wrote.

" ♪𝗌𝗈 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗆𝖾... 𝖨𝗅𝗅 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗒𝗈𝗎♪"

Tears swelling up in your eyes, the sound so soft and beautiful, you wished to get lost in it.
Only if you could.
Let yourself fall into the abyss of a song so incredible.
The song gave you peace, not only in life but in your head, giving you a reason to be happy.

But what even is happiness in this world of money, drugs and guns?

A/N- this became a bit deeper than I wanted it to, I'm sorry if it's bad. I was listening to piano covers and I wrote what I felt. Kinda lol.
Hope you liked the fluff  you know.

Thanks for reading so far.

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