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Jungkook looked up from his lifeless mother, his eyes blood shot

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Jungkook looked up from his lifeless mother, his eyes blood shot.
You focused back on your father and drew in a deep breath.
And as you let the sigh fall, your trigger finger tightened and tightened.
It tightened so much that you pulled it, letting the bullet fly straight into your fathers chest.

As your father fell, you fell too. Onto your knees you knelt, sobbing into your hands. Although he was planning to kill you, you grew up with him you still loved him.

The sound of sirens alerted your ears, both you and jungkook looking up to find each other's eyes.
" let's go,"
You quietly whispered, standing up and jumping out the window, followed by jungkook.


You both made it home safely, all the other members stood anxiously waiting inside the door.
As you both walked in, you were surrounded by hugs from all of them, some even teary.

" we thought he would kill you y/n,"
Hoseok sobbed into your shoulder.

You never thought they were this emotional.

" j-Jungkook's mother.."
the only words you were able to process. Everyone turned to look at the sobbing male beside them.

" he killed her,"
His eyes looked up and caught yours. He flashed you a weak thank you smile and walked off.

Nearly everyone followed him, but Hoseok, who stayed with you.
" it must've been hard, where is he now?"

You looked down, fiddling with your bloody shirt. But soon pointed to your chest, where blood lay splattered all over your shirt.

" you killed him?!"
Hoseoks eyes widened.
He couldn't believe it.

He pulled you in for another hug but you both were soon interrupted by the rest of the males.

" jungkook wants us to leave him alone, but he said he wants y/n,"
Jimin spat out, pulling hoseok off you.

You give hoseok a worried look and waddled off towards Jungkook's room. With one knock on the door, you stumble through into his room.

There he was, sat on his bed, his hair threaded around his fingers and his chest heaving.

you whispered almost. He looked up, his eyes instantly catching yours. He stood up not long after and walked over to you, gliding his fingers up your arms.

You froze, stood in the same spot, staring into the males eyes.

His hands landed on your neck, slowly travelling down your chest to your waist.

And he leaned in.

And whispered;

" did I mention how hot you looked with a gun?"

His voice sent shivers sprinting down your spine. You let your eyes travel his face as he distanced himself from your ear.
But as you caught his eyes, they traveled to your lips.
And yours did the same.

And without another word, he smashed his face against yours, lips colliding with delicacy and hunger.



A/N- please go read my other story that I'm writing at the moment, I think it's going pretty well and somewhat better than this one 😂

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