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The sound of the trigger piercing your soft ears, surprising you almost as The body beside you started falling heavily to the floor

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The sound of the trigger piercing your soft ears, surprising you almost as The body beside you started falling heavily to the floor.

With a thump, the body hit the ground, leaves scattering in different directions. The soft sound of liquid pouring onto the ground, being the only thing to hear other than the heavy breathing of hoseok behind you.

You turned to your right, looking down at the male, blood pouring out the back of his head.

His eyes were wide open, not even surprised.
He had blood coming out his mouth, that his tongue was slipping out of from the side and blood stains along his neck.

You quickly pushed your hand up against your mouth, tears escaping your eyes.
You hadn't seen a sight like this in ages.
It instantly started reminding you of when you killed your father.

Small shrieks left your mouth as you tried to stay calm.

But it didn't seem as if it was working.

Slowly jungkook walked towards you, being careful where he put his feet.

He stopped in front of you and sighed, clasping his hand around your wrist and pulling you behind him harshly as the other members created a circle around you.

The sound of large footsteps were the only other thing to be heard, heavy breathing being the other.

" there's more,"
You heard jungkook almost whisper to you.

Just as silence hit the scene eight men walked out of the trees, creating a larger circle around you.

Everyone pulled their guns up, the males surrounding you keeping you close to them.

With a smirk, a large man walked out from behind the tree opposite the dead male beside you.

" I need you to pass over the female,"
The heavily-footed male spoke, circling his fingers around a knife in his hand.

" I can't do that,"
Jungkook hissed towards the male, bringing you closer behind him than any other member.

" maybe this may change your mind,"

The male spoke, reaching into his pocket and unravelling a photo of Jungkook's mother.
She was being held hostage in a chair, ropes surrounding her body.
And just behind her in a fram was a large picture of your real father.

Jungkook started to breathe heavier, his chest rising and falling at a fast speed.
He grabbed your wrist even tighter, trying to keep you close.

" where is she,"
He hissed through gritted teeth, his eyes becoming even darker than they were.

" somewhere,"
The male said, an even bigger smirk creeping up onto his face.

He lifted the small knife out and dragged it along the photo, directly on Jungkook's mother's face.

" I swear if you touch her-"

" we won't.. if you pass over the girl,"
He turned to jungkook, stepping closer, the grip on the knife getting tighter and tighter.

Jungkook's grip loosened on your wrist.

He stepped forward, out the circle, giving every male a chance to look at you.

" not a chance,"

The male clenched his jaw, slamming the knife right through his mothers face.

Jungkook sucked in a large gulp of air, his legs weakening by the second.

He turned and faced you, lifting up his hand to signify you to come towards him.

You let more tears fall from your eyes, hesitantly walking up to the male you once trusted.

Jungkook was quick to put you in a head lock, his arm tightly around your neck.

He then placed a gun harshly against your head.

" I don't suppose you want her dead,"
Jungkook raised an eyebrow, keeping his eyes on the male infront of him.

The members who were once creating a circle around you, were now afraid of what jungkook would do to you.

" I don't suppose you'd like your lovely lady to know what you were? Who you trusted?"
The male added, catching Jungkook's attention.

" you wouldn't say a word,"

" oh I would,"

Jungkook's grip suddenly became a lot tighter around the gun.

He quickly moved it and shot a male in His chest, causing him to fall.
He turned and shot another male on the opposite side of him.

The male whom had the photo, dropped it and lifted up his gun, aiming it at jungkook.

Hoseok ran over and took you out of Jungkook's grasp, pulling you over to the other side of the scene.

" what's happening?"
You asked, shaking under hoseok a grasp.

" nothing,"
Hoseok answered bluntly.


Everyone had distanced themselves from the two males with guns aimed at the other.

Something was about to happen.

You felt it.

And with one glance at you, jungkook turned around and shot the male in his left shoulder, giving him the chance to run up and shove a dagger right into his stomach.

The male was quick to respond and jabbed a knife into Jungkook's side.

Both of the males left grunting, the last thing to do was to fist fight.

No weapons.


Jungkook was the first to run up to the other male, jabbing him in the stomach, same place as the knife wound, only to punch him in the face.

The male almost lost his balance but soon gained it as he threw three punches at Jungkook's face.

He kicked jungkook in the stomach and punched him again, pushing him up against the tree, throwing punches and kicks towards The weakened male.

You let out a couple of shrieks, trying to free yourself from hoseoks grasp.

Just as you slipped out of his hands, you pulled the gun from his pocket, running towards the two males, by a tree.

You held the gun up, turning around to see hoseok and jimin run up to you.

You quickly turned back and cocked the gun, the noice being too quiet for the men to hear.

You aimed it at the males head, your hand shaking with fear.

Everything seemed to slow down, the grunts from jungkook, the punches being thrown at him, the wind fiercely pushing the trees in different directions. 

You took in a large breath, your finger getting tighter on the trigger.
You watched the two males and aimed it again, waiting for the right time.

You pulled the trigger.

You were pulled back by hoseok and jimin quickly.

Your eyes were locked on the male as he fell to the floor while you were pulled away from the scene .

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