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Soft tears prickling at the back of your eyes, threatening to spill, your lips pressed into a straight line as you brought a hand to your hair, running your small hands through the thick silk

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Soft tears prickling at the back of your eyes, threatening to spill, your lips pressed into a straight line as you brought a hand to your hair, running your small hands through the thick silk.

You rested her elbows down on the keys, making a loud noice to rest your head in your palms.

Suddenly, loud beeps were heard throughout the house, causing your head to bolt straight up and stare at the door which was left shut.

You slowly stood up, your legs pushing you towards the noise.
Your body led you to the door, opening it with your hand.

You slowly waddled throughout the house, trying to find the origin to the loud noise.

Soon the consistent beeps were just one long screech, your ears slowly becoming numb.

As you arrived in the kitchen you caught your father stood on a chair with a cloth in his hands as he flapped the material at the fire alarm.
His eyes wide and his face drained from its usual colour.

You chuckled and sighed, your feet bringing you up into the chair with your father to take the alarm off the wall, turning it off and on again.

Your father sighed with relief and stood off the chair, his hands in ready position to put the chair back in its original place.

" lucky your here huh? "
Your father chuckled to himself.

You turned to him with your eyebrows raised.

" huh?"

You squinted your eyes and held your hand by your ear, showing that you didn't hear what your father said.

" doesn't matter now"

He shook his head and smiled.
His eyes crinkling, his cheeks raising to his eyes.

" well I tried to make you breakfast."

Your father awkwardly remarked, holding out a plate filled with burnt sausages and eggs.

You fell into a pit of laughter, clutching onto your stomach.

" t-thanks "

☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆

You were sat in the living room, the tv booming its songs while you bobbed your head along to the beat.

Your mouth was filled with the taste of burnt sausages.
The dryness finally getting to you.
And as if he knew, namjoon spoke.

" do you want some water? "
He shouted from what sounded like the kitchen.

You let out a long breath and stood up, walking to the kitchen and meeting namjoon, who was holding a glass of water.

" thank you."
You smiled and picked up the glass, bringing it to your lips and gulping most of the liquid down your throat, but instantly regretting it when your hearing became a bit muffled.

The soft noise of your breathing was becoming a muffled vibration, your vision not being any better.

Everything fuzzed, from the ceiling to the floor.
You tried bringing your sight back by bringing your hand up to run your eyes but only getting extremely dizzy.

Everything seemed to to be too heavy for you, your eyelids struggling to keep themselves open.
And with The weight of the glass almost being too much, the cup slipped from your grasp, smashing all over the floor.

You turned your head to the glass and looked up at namjoon, he was just stood at the door, watching you.
Soon your legs felt weak, your knees falling forward.
You tried to keep yourself up straight by holding onto the kitchen side but slipping.
With nothing to hold you up, you fell.

Your back hitting all the glass shards on the floor.

And everything soon went black.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜・*

Namjoon stood by the door, the bottle of pills in his hand and the other in his pocket.

He watched you fall and let a smile creep up on his slender face.

He then looked down at the small pot in his hand, closely examining the label.

Maybe he should've put an extra pill?

He looked at your body on the floor and raised a brow.

He's One step closer.


A/N -
Sorry this chapter is short, I'm so happy if you made it this far lol.
I stopped it early for a reason.
Hopefully I wrote it right but thanks so much if you've read up to this point.!

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