Alexa's P.O.V

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"Mom no please... I'm so sorry."

"You never came home! I told you what would happen." she hollered.

"Mom it wasn't my fault... mom please listen to me.."

She lifted her hand.



I startle awake.. silent tears rollling down my cheeks. "Mom?" I wisper.

I hear the footsteps nearing me. It was him again. The smell of his cologne fills the air.. the way he walks his boots clanking on the ground.. everything the same as the day before. I lay facing the wall not wanting to look at him. Something about the smell of cologne and the pattern he walks brings back bits and pieces of memories.. i just cant seem to put the pieces together.

"Hello princess. Are you awake?" the man asked

I ignore him hoping he'll just leave, but he doesn't.

"I know you're awake." he says as he put his hand on my lower side.

"Leave me alone." i told him sternly.

"Alex.. you don't remember me?" he said with a chuckle.

He gets up.. and starts pacing back and forth.

"No I don't and I don't want to know you just leave and send me home."

"I cant do that." he said sadly. "You'll bring me something my father needs." he says.

I sit up to look at him. I get nothing. He doesn't look familiar.

"What I will? Where am I?"

"Youll find out soon enough." he said as he walked towards the door.

I got up to follow him and noticed my hand was cuffed to the bed. This was an awfully nice place to have such cruel people. I thought.

"Hey can you take these cuffs of me?" I asked.

"no can do ma'am." he said as he walked out.

Princess... Alex... Ma'am. Who is this guy and why am I here? I remember being at the park and then I saw a man across the way staring at me. I then proceeded to leave and go home, but Id only made it to the library 4 blocks away from house. I woke up here.

I looked at my cuffed hand. My wrist was red and purple. I searched around as far as I could reach to see anything that'd help me pick the lock... I couldn't see a whole lot of things. Mainly just furniture. I checked my pockets.

"ooh jackpot" I said to myself as I pulled out a bobby pin and unlocked my cuff.

I walked around the room. It was so beautiful themed in red and gold colors, large king bed with a canopy over it. I noticed the floor would creek when i walked. I hoped that man didnt hear it.

As i went to open the door i heard footsteps coming this way. I hurried and acted as if I was still cuffed and layed in bed. The door then opened.

-click click-

The man clicked his pen several times.

"Alex..?" he asked questionably.

"Thats me.. who are you?" I asked.

"That is un-needed information as of this moment."

I stood up to confront him and the cuff dropped off my wrist.

"What is this!?" he said as he pushed me against the wall.

"P--le--ase stop you're hu-rting me" i said inbetween breaths.

"Are you trying to escape!?" he yelled as he pushed his arm on my throat harder.

Pl--ease.." everything started to get blurry.


"Where is the girl at?!" someone yelled.

"Shes here father. She was just exhausted and she passed out."

"You know we need her! Don't be playing no games son."

"Of course not father. I understand her significance to us."

My significance to them? I said to myself. What is going on here? I looked around the room... handcuffed again.

-Knock knock-

"Alex are you awake?"

"Mhm." I said in an annoyed tone.

The door creaked open. This time a different man came in. Probably about 22ish, blonde hair, blue eyes, a black chain with a cross and tag hanging from his neck. Sort of baggy blue jeans with a tank that stuck to him.

"Alexa my name is Declan. I'm not here to hurt you... can you tell me what you remember."

"What do you mean what I remember.. nothing!" I spit out at him.

He nodded his head as if to say okay. He stood in the door way and stared at me with his piercing blue eyes. I quickly looked away.. my cheeks red. Who was he and why is he being nice?

"Alexa-- " I cut him off.

"Please call me Alex." I coldly said.

"My bad... Alex would you like to join me for dinner tonight?"

Join him for dinner? I was kidnapped and he wanted to go to dinner? Who was this man and what was I needed for?

"No thank you." I replied.

"Alex is everything okay?"

I could tell he was sincere, but of course I wasn't okay. I was kidnapped.

"What do you think? I was kidnapped.."

"Alex there's no easy way to say this. We need your father and the only way he'll listen is if we have you. You are your fathers weakness."

"Wait my father? You must have me and my father mixed up." I simply said.

My father left when I was young. Told my mother he wanted nothing to do with me and it'd just be better this way. He's never called or sent me anything. I always wrote letters but was never aware if he ever got any of them.

"My father left long ago. What makes you think I'm his weakness? He wanted nothing to do with me.. he let my mother beat me. He left me without looking back no matter how many times I screamed for him." I said angrily.

"He left to keep you safe. He thought we wouldn't find you if he left home. Anyways you're here until my father gets what he wants. He'll do whatever he has to."

"Please... to keep me safe? Yes of course being with my mother was really safe let me tell you. A drunk.. a violent drunk." I said coldly. I saw him look at me with hurt in his eyes. "Please, don't do this I barely know the man that owes you." I tried to sweet talk him into letting me go. I could see he cared. I saw the worry in his eyes when he mumbled "he'll do whatever it takes" what does he mean.

My mind only rushed forgetting everything around. He left me. He left me with her. She hurt me over and over again. He didn't even care. I screamed for him out of my window at 7 years old to just come back inside. My mother punished me that night like never before. She was even more harsh after he left us. Like it was all my fault. I felt a silent tear slide down my cheek. Why? Is all I could ask myself.

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