Declan's P.O.V.

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Could this really be happening? I asked myself. This was it. I looked back at Alex laying on the backseat with her earplugs in. God was she beautiful. 

I pulled out my phone. My father already left for the day. I decided to text him. 

Father, do you think its the right thing to take her back?

Yes son... her father is no longer among us. 

Yes father. I understand. 

"Is everyone ready?" Jake asked.

I looked at him nodding my head.. he looked back at Alex then put the vehicle in reverse and just like that we left. Portland, OR was about a quarter of a day drive I thought to myself.

Jake looked at me and i looked at him but neither of us said anything. It was like the words just werent there.

An hour of silence passed when all of a sudden Alex started paniking in the backseat.

I looked at Jake as i put my hand on her shoulder. 

"Alex.." i whispered "its okay.." i took my jacket off and put it over her. She didnt move.. her breathing was heavy. 

We soon stopped at a gas station as i got out to prepay and buy some snacks and drinks. I got out of the vehicle and streched. We'd been in the car for about 5 hours now. We left a little later than we wanted to. 

"Hey man grab me an energy drink will ya?" Jake asked.

"of course man." i saw Alex sit up in the backseat and offered for her to come in to get something to eat and drink.

She put my jacket on as we walked into the store.

"Hey Declan.. thank you for being nice.. even when i was bitter to you." she said.

"no need to thank me." i told her as i wasnt sure what else to say.

She smiled at me as we made our way to the coolers where the drinks were. She picked up an apple juice as i grabbed Jakes energy drink. I picked up a gatorade for myself as we made our way to the snack isle.

"I'm not really hungry.." Alex said.

"That's okay we have a long ride ahead of us well stop a couple more times. Do you want to get a snack incase you get hungry between now and then?" I asked her.

She shook her head and picked up some Cheetos.

We made our way to the counter as I got Jake a cheeseburger and fries and myself a cheeseburger. We set all of our items in the counter as I asked her to put $20 on pump 7. I paid for everything and we walked back out to the car.

"Alex" I said as we were walking back to the car. She looked up at me. "What were you dreaming about?" I asked.

"umm nothing.. I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay.." I said as we made it to the car.

She was so quiet. I noticed she kept to herself a lot. I felt bad. I wanted her to know I was here for her. That she could talk to me.

"Hey man ill be back. Restroom break." Jake said.

"Yeah of course."

It was pure silence... the wind blowing in the windows... the tree leaves swaying. I laid my head back and closed my eyes just taking in all the peaceful sounds. I felt a hand on my chest... I opened my eyes quickly to realize it was Alex's.

I turned around to look at her. She was staring at me with worry and hurt in her eyes.

"Declan.. im scared.." she said. Holding back her tears. "My mother.. shes not going to be happy with me." tears started to flow.

"I'm sorry Alex..." I told her as i wiped her tears away. Then placed my hand on hers. 

She rested her head on my shoulder for what felt like a long time. I stayed there in silence stroking her cheek with my thumb.

"Yo.. did you get me food?" I heard Jake yell out. 

Of course, just like every other time there was Jake to ruin the moment.

Alex quickly jumped back into the backseat.

"Yeah man hurry up." i told him.

He ran out to the car and we started driving away. I looked back at Alex who was sitting in the backseat fidgeting with silent tears rolling down her cheeks. I couldn't stand to see her cry. I turned the radio to a country station and turned it up. I looked out my window as I slowly dozed off to sleep.

--- 3 hours later ---

"man I had the craziest of crazy dreams." I was telling Jake. "I cant even remember it but I know it was crazy." he just laughed at me. 

"I can drive now. You need some rest." I told him as we pulled over on the side of the road. Alex had been sleeping for only a couple hours she'd barely eaten or drank. I couldn't imagine what she was feeling or thinking. That poor girl. I thought to myself. 

We stopped 1 more time.  Alex didn't want to get out. We let her sit in the car while we took restroom breaks and got food. We were about an hour or so out from where she lived at. She got more fidgety the closer we got. 

She watched out her window as we passed buildings that were familiar to her. We soon reached her home town. The place she grew up. About 30 minutes or so later we pulled up to her little cream colored house. 

"Alex... I guess this is it." Jake said. Alex just nodded to him.

"I'm sorry.. about everything." I told her. I just wanted to hug her and tell her it was all going to be okay, but I couldn't.

Alex looked at Jake and then too me tears in her eyes. She tried to hand my jacket back to me as I pushed it back to her and told her she could keep it. She grabbed her bag... said thank you one last time as she turned and walked away. 

I felt terrible. She walked away and it broke my heart. I knew she was crying by now. I jumped out of the car quick and called for her. 


She turned around to face me as I opened up my arms to her. I hugged on to her tight not wanting to let her go. She cried into my chest. Jake came out of the car and stood by us. 

I let her go... and Jake gave her hug. 

"I have to go now..." she said crying. "Please don't worry about me. Ill be okay. It will all be okay." she sounded so confident. Like a different person than the one she was in the car. 

She grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek gently as she pulled away I'd realized shed given me a piece of paper. She nodded to Jake then to me and turned around once again. Jake and I waited for her to get to the door before we left.

There were no words to express how we were feeling. It was going to one long and silent ride back home. I hadn't opened the paper shed given to me scared as to what id find inside.

The smell of her perfume still lingering around Jake and I. The only thing I could do was think about her. I tear fell down my cheek. 

I think I was falling for Alex Jenkins. 

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