Declan's P.O.V.

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She was the most beautiful girl I'd ever laid eyes on. She had natural black hair and green eyes that shimmered in the lighting. She was about 5'3" from my guess, always wore her "DOPE" hat backwards was probably about 18 years old.

I felt so bad for her. She sat there and told me her father let her mother beat her. Maybe we do have the wrong girl. Was she really his weakness or was this anther game to him? I walked over to my fathers office to confront him about the situation.

"Father Alexa doesnt even know her father are you sure we have the right girl?" i questioned him.

"Declan! Are you questioning my orders? You better not be. You know what'll happen." he sternly said with a cold look on his face.

"No of course not Father. I'm sorry." I said as I walked to my room.

I couldn't stop thinking about Alex. Was her life hell already? My father would only make it worse. I couldnt let this happen.

I fell asleep wondering how Alex felt. Im sure she had alot of questions. I wasnt aloud to answer any of them.

---Knock knock---

"Yo, go away. Im sleeping" i said as i heard a knock on my door.

"Dude get your lazy bones out of bed now!"

"Come on... i couldnt sleep let me be.. just a little longer.." i groaned.

"Whatever one hour im out"

Of course, Jake would be the one to wake me up. He always had something going on. Jake and I were brothers from another mother. Our father had a record back in the day. Jake was my little brother. He dropped out of school as requested by our father. I always wanted something more for him something I never had.

I rolled out of bed. "Yo wait for me!" I hollered to him.

I couldnt sleep last night. I just kept thinking about Alex. I had to get her off my mind. I couldnt disobey my father there'd be hell to pay if i went against his orders. I got up and threw on my grey sweat pants as i walked down to the kitchen.

"Dude, whats up with Alex. Shes weird.." Jake said.

"Come on man. Forget it all how about you and I do something. We've been so caught up in "work" with dad. I just want to have some fun. " i told him trying not to think about Alex.. although i felt guilty. How could he think that way of her.

Jake was the play boy type. He'd get a girl.. play with her feelings and leave her like nothing happened.

"Yeah whatever you say."

I go put a tank on and head out to Jake's challenger. He named it Emerald only because it was an emerald color. I shook my head at him as I got into the passengers seat. Underwater by Index Case was blasting through his speakers. I looked out the window looking at the scenery around us and thinking about everything.

"Yo want to play some ball?" of course there was Jake to bring me back to reality.

"Sure." i said as we pulled into the parking lot of the courts.

Jake got the ball out of the back of his car. We walked on over to the court. He started dribbling the ball around the court as i just stared at him.

"man what's going on? You're off today." Jake said

"Honestly im not in the mood for anything bro. I cant get Alex out of my head. I can't go against dads order. Im stuck."

"Wait, what are you talking about? Don't tell me.." he said as he shook his head.

"Dude f*** off." i simply said as i stole the ball from him and made a shot.

"Hey that was a cheat!" he laughed. "man whats going on? Like seriously."

He was acting as if everything was fine so I went along with it not in the mood to argue.

"Nothing lets play." i said as i got the ball again dribbling aorund the court.

After about an hour i had 7 hoops and Jake had a ton. I finally told him i was ready to go home but he insisted we get something to eat. I couldn't really object as he was the one driving of course.

Maybe if i told my father about Alex. Maybe if he saw her wounds. Just maybe it would be enough. My father isnt heartless.. my father just does what needs to get done. Maybe he'll change his mind. Maybe... i can convince him too.

"you want anything.. ?" Jake asked as i just realized we stopped at Chipotle.



"12.00 is your total today see you at the first window." the drive thru person said.

After the 30 minute drive we pull into the driveway.

"I had fun.. thanks for coming with me. You're being weird though you know you can talk to me anytime. Youre not being yourself bro. You're not even thinking straight." Jake said.

We barely spent time together always on missions for our father. Getting this, getting that, deliving those. Ya know. Business.

We got inside and I went to check on Alex. I knocked at her door.

"Hey Alex are you awake?"

It was silent..

"Alex.. its Declan just making sure your good." i said.


"Jake go do little brother things." I said coldly as I flipped him off.

He shook his head at me and left.

I walked to my room and fell back on my bed. Declan what are you doing? This needs to stop. I started telling myself. I got up.. pacing back and forth. Contemplating whether or not to try and convince my father. It was as if she was a prisoner here. My father cuffed her to the bed. I hated it. We werent cruel. I'm not sure what'd gotten into him. If mother was here he wouldn't have ever started doing this.

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