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[2020-09-26: HEy SO this book is old had a lot of bad shit like romanticizing self-harm and suicide and I'd just like to apologize deeply for it. That's not the type of person I am I'm so sorry. But anyways, the real point I'm making here is that this book had a lot of bullshit in it like what I've mentioned and also a lot of plotholes, so I am editing it rn to water it down a bit. Although the story WILL still be the same so HUGE TW in the later chapters. And a reminder that this is book 1 of this book series! If you want to read book 2 when you're finished reading this one, go to my profile. I once again apologize, now please enjoy Camp Creepypasta!]

Hello, it's me, the Author.
I just wanted to address some things so it's less confusing when you read !

Y/N = your name
F/C = favourite color
L/N = last name
POV = Point of view
You basically get the point..

Oh and I didn't add Toby's stuttering in this story because I didn't feel like it heh sorry, but I'll add it in during editing once I'm finished the book. :)

And also, this story is inspired by @katpad01 so credit to her for the original idea but like, don't think this is a complete copy, I changed so much in my version and almost everybody and everything is different so please don't think I'm a huge mf copycat


Warning: swearing, self-harm, blood, drugs, described gore, long mf chapters lmfao, torture and a sad Toby :(


Basically, you're 18. You were homeschooled your entire life but you were fine with that, you preferred to be alone. Your parents never cared to spend time with you and they neglected you which was part of the reason you were so used to being alone. You loved creepypastas and read them whenever your parents would neglect you. One night, when you snuck out of the house and towards the lake to go clear your mind, some girls pushed you in and you almost drowned but you were saved by who you thought was a fictional character. Then, you receive a letter, telling you about a camp that was perfect for you. You went and even made some friends, but more and more happens and everything keeps getting worse. You need to try and fix things before things spiral beyond your control.

There has to be a way to stop this, right?


Camp Creepypasta {Ticci Toby x Reader} [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now