Chapter. 17: "The Towel Incident."

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[ this chapter was written by @calumisbabey ! Why? Because I was tired and didn't feel like writing but she wanted the next chapter and so I let her write it. Enjoy! ]


~ Toby's POV ~

I plopped my dumbass bags onto the floor, it was okay in that room but two people could barely live in there together, Credits is an asshole. And how the fuck are two people gonna fit on this twin sized bed?? I need to figure something out before I kiss here again, god that was humiliating. I saw Y/N walk out of the room and into the lounge. I sat on the bed and stared into nothingness. This isn't gonna go well-

~ Time Skip - About an hour ~

Everyone was sitting in the lounge chatting, L.S, Tommy, Y/N, Credits, Me, and ugh- Naomi, bleh. Even her name makes me sick, why do I have to suffer??? If I can't take 9 days cuddled up to the only person I love, then how am I supposed to survive 9 days with my mortal enemy?? She fucking kidnapped me and tortured me for gods sake.

"And that's how I wipe my ass." Credits finished saying, idk how the conversation went that far but everyone started laughing. I glanced over to Naomi who was giving me a fucking death stare, like bruh what did I ever do to you? Jk it was mostly me but who cares she's still evil. I felt someone tap my shoulder, when I turned around Y/N was holding a plate of waffles for me. Omg I literally love this girl. "Thanks" I said with a smile, taking the plate. "No problem." She said, she jumped over the couch and sat down next to me. I was golfing down my waffles when I felt her head rest against my shoulder. I felt heat coming from her face. She was obviously blushing. Wait no, that's not possible. Heh.

It was almost 10 PM and people were getting ready for bed. I walked back into our room and I looked down at our sad small bed. Ughhh, maybe I should just sleep on the floor? Yeah, maybe I will. Y/N walked in with her pyjamas on, they were a cute black crop top that's said 'till death do us part-' and striped plaid pants. "So is it okay if I get the side by the wall?-" She asked. "Well I was just gonna sleep on the floor if that's okay." I responded. Her face went blank and then she snapped back "Oh yeah, of course." she smiled. She turned off the main light and turned on the lamp by her bed. I took off my shirt because I get way to fucking hot sleeping with a shirt on, that's why I don't use blankets and I only hug pillows. Heh.

"Well night Y/N-" I turned around and she was staring at my chest with her face bright red. Umm. "Night?" I said again, she looked up at me with a face of embarrassment "Oh yeah, night Tobes."

I haven't heard that name since my mom...

she jumped on her bed and and went under her covers. She shut the lamp off immediately.

Um okay.

I laid on the cold hard floor.. which sounds depressing but it really isn't, it was nice and cool. I have three pillows so I was fine. It was such an exhausting day, from all the moving. I quickly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up all hot and sweaty, I didn't know why until I felt heat beside me, and breathing.

It was Y/N.

She was cuddled next to me with her blanket. Her arm was wrapped around me and so was her leg. That's why I was all sweaty- I looked over at the alarm clock and it said 4:49. It was almost 5am. I wonder how long she's been snuggling me. Even tho it felt like I was in a fucking oven I didn't want to move, or disturb her. So I sat there in the heat for 4 hours, not doing anything. Just listening to her breathing and heartbeat. Man I was tired but I couldn't sleep no matter how much I tried.

I glanced over at the clock, 7:59 it was about to ring. I closed my eyes to pretend to be sleeping. *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP-* Y/N sat up from the floor and pressed the off button. "Oh good morning Toby" she smiled sleepily. "Huh?" I asked, being the master at fake sleepyness even tho I actually was fucking tired. She sat on the bed and acted as if she didn't just sleep in my arms.

"Well?" I asked "Well what?" Oh crap I thought she was gonna say something. "ILL BEAT YOU TO THE SHOWER." I yelled as I sat up and ran shirtless threw the lounge all the way to the bathroom.

"TOBYYYY" she yelled as she was basically sleep walking towards the bathroom. I locked the door and laughed evilly, loud enough for her to hear me.

"Whatever, you want waffles?" She asked "Yes please." I said as I started undressing. I jumped in the shower and washed my hair and my... other stuff. In less then 5 minutes, I got out and wrapped my towel around my waist. I started brushing my teeth and putting healing cream around my scars, Jack said they'll heal up quickly if I put it on.

All of a sudden the door swung open and a sudden burst of cold air came in.
It was Y/N.

"Oh god- I'm so sorry I thought.. I thought you were done and went into the.. the uh room.." she stuttered. It was really cute to see her all flustered.

"No worries sunshine" I smiled at her :)
and I could tell her face was started to get red.

"Well uhm your waffles are on the counter-" she smiled and pointed towards the mini kitchen. "Thanks." I said while readjusting my towel. "Well I'm done, so the bathroom is all yours" I walked out and it was colder out here then in there. She closed the door and right when it closed my towel fell..

"GAHHH" I yelled, hopefully no one heard or saw anything. I tightened my towel to my waist and looked around to see that no one was there.

Thank goodness omg fuck that was traumatic. I looked up and there she was..


She saw-
Omg she saw-
Fuck my life.

"Um-" she stuttered, she wasn't anywhere near as cute as Y/N.

"..Okay bye." I said quickly as I speed ran into my room. Omg I'm gonna fucking kill myself (not for real) I slammed my fists on the dresser that was in our room, and my towel fell again-


• T.B.C •
• words: 1143 •

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