Chapter. 11: "Torture & Trouble."

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[ chapter idea from Deathdoyoudraw , who is my bestfriend :) ]
Me and X-Virus ran into my cabin hoping we wouldn't find Skully and Y/N dead, but what we found was far worse..

Skully was beating Y/N in UNO! -oh wait maybe it's not that bad.

"How are you so good at UNO?!" Y/N sighed in disbelief

"Nyehehehe I told you you'd lose!" He slammed his cards on the table and stood up triumphantly

"Lovely." Y/N faintly laughed sarcastically and got up "oh, hey Toby! What's up?" She asked when she saw me

"So uh-" I got cut off by somebody knocking on the door. Y/N went and opened it, and surprise surprise.. it was Naomi..

"Hey, Y/N. Do you mind if I talk to Toby really quick?" Naomi asked while glancing over to me

Me?! What the fuck would she want to talk to me about at 9 PM?! Whatever.. she's probably just being a usual stupid bitc-

"..uh.. okay..?" Y/N muttered irritatedly

"It'll only take a second, I promise." She shrugged and then walked over to me, grabbed my arm and brought me into the hallway.

"What the fuck! Why do you want to talk to me?!" I crossed my arms at her

"Hold still." She smiled darkly and then stabbed a syringe into my arm, I bet if I could feel pain it would've hurt like hell. Suddenly, everything started getting dark.. and I was losing vision.. I was becoming unconscious..

~ Y/N's POV ~

' THUD! '

"Huh? What was that?" I asked Skully as I got up

"I don't know, go check." Skully shrugged and continued to build a card-tower

I went over towards where the sound came from and then Naomi came out of the hallway as I was turning around the corner and it scared me so bad I almost fell over.

"HolY fUck- Naomi! Don't scare me like that, you ass." I grumbled

"Oh, sorry. I'm in a rush to get back to my cabin.. uh.. byee!" She waved frantically and ran towards the door

"Wait-! What was that loud noi-!" I called out but she slammed the door behind her before I could say another word, it was also strange because she was carrying a pretty big bag filled with something like the size of a human.


I ignored it and plopped back onto the couch and played on my game boy.

~ Toby's POV // Time Skip - 2 hours ~

"Yawwnnn..!" I opened my eyes

Man, that was a nice nap-


I looked around and noticed I was tied to a chair in some sort of basement..

uh.. where the fuck am I..?

I heard footsteps and then somebody came in through a rusty metal door, it was Naomi?

Wait! I remember now! She led me into the hallway and then stuck a syringe in my arm! She.. She kidnapped me! That bitch!

"..heh.. hello Toby." She stood across the basement with her back turned to me, she was sharpening something and by the sounds of it, it was a blade, a blade of a knife.

Camp Creepypasta {Ticci Toby x Reader} [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now