Chapter. 15: "Broken."

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I slowly opened my eyes and my head hurt like hell and it only made it more excruciating because I'm not used to pain at all, but I guess it's still possible to feel pain after passing out or from obvious mental issues..

I slowly got up and looked around, it reminded me of the room we took Y/N to so she could get her pills during the beginning of camp. I got off of the little bed I was on and opened the door nearby which led me to a dark hallway which reminded me again of the place we took Y/N to. It was hard to walk and every step made me just want to lay down again but I ignored it and continued down the hallway until I made it to a lobby room which again, gave me nostalgia. As I made it to the centre of the room I fell down due to pain and exhaustion.

I heard footsteps running towards me and before I knew it, I saw Jack and Nurse Ann frantically run into the room and help me up.

"You okay, Toby?" Jack asked in concern

"I'm fine.." I muttered

They looked at eachother then back at me and I could tell that whatever they were going to tell me was bad.

"Toby.. when we were curing the burns over your arms.. we found out you have been self-harming." Nurse Ann pointed at my no longer bandaged arms which revealed many many cuts and scars.

My eyes widened with fear and I was going to run away from them until Jack grabbed my shoulder,

"Toby, don't run.. nobody hates you and we just want to help you." He sighed.

"I don't need anybody's help! I'm fine! I always have been." I shouted in defence.

Although I keep saying I'm fine, I'm not. I never have been.

"..all of your stuff is in that room over there. We'll talk later, okay? You can't keep saying you're fine because you clearly aren't." Nurse Ann said sympathetically, pointed to a room nearby and then walked away with Jack.

I feel so broken, I just feel like sitting down and not getting back up. But who cares, right? It's not like they actually care! Nobody gives two shits about me.. why would they? I'm just a worthless 19 year old.

I shook my head a bit to get rid of those thoughts as I went towards the room Nurse Ann pointed at. I opened it and sure enough, I saw all my stuff on a shelf. I put my usual clothing on including my sweater and then grabbed my hatchets and attached them to my belt like usual. I walked out of the room and saw an exit to the left of me. I left the Health Department and looked around, it was morning and everybody was training and stuff.

I hesitantly walked down the main path which led towards my cabin. I was trying not to be seen, but of course some proxies and campers saw me and whispered to eachother.

"Assholes." I said out loud without a sliver of whispering or hesitation which made them all look away and continue training but I knew they kept glancing at me because it was so easy to just feel all their eyes looking at me even with my back turned.

I finally made it to my cabin which I was glad about because I was sick of all the stares. I grabbed the spare keys from under a loose floorboard we had and walked in, Skully saw me almost immediately.

"Toby! You're back!" Skully shot up and greeted me with a friendly 'hello' which was nice because he wasn't being all rude about it. "Sorry about the whole.. uh.. chasing you thing. Slender would've been pissed if I haven't."

"It's fine, I'm going to go to my room." I shrugged.

That was a lie. I was going to the bathroom to cut obviously.

"Oh okay, I'll see ya later." Skully smiled which made his mask shift up and I walked away.

- Warning, minor description of self-harming. -

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