A/N (just to clear up some confusion)

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Okay I feel like some parts in this story are really confusing and contain a lot of plotholes, so let me explain lmfao

~ Timeline Explanation ~
It's been around a month of camp now so don't bother saying "bUt iTs tOO sOon FOr thAt" to the extreme chapters because uh no, chapter 6 is like a month in.

~ Depressed Toby Explanation ~
So, a lot of people just portray Toby as some super happy, up-beat and hyper personality but that's actually not how Kastoway (his creator) made him to be.
Yes, Kastoway made him up-beat and hyper but those aren't his only personality traits yknow, he's actually been depressed even before his sisters death because of the bullying and abuse he received because of his disorders.
If you read Kastoways story for Toby carefully, you'll read that Toby started to self harm after his sisters death by biting the flesh off of his hands and fingers.
Toby's always really hated life so I'm not sure why people keep portraying him as somebody that doesn't really have feelings?
(Plus his genetic disorders and his PTSD which take a huge effect on the way he acts.)

~ Naomi, nice or evil? Explanation ~
The truth is, Naomi can be a huge bitch.
Sure, she can be nice but she's usually only ever nice to Y/N and Credits but she can even be an asshole towards them sometimes too.
There are many reasons why Toby and Naomi hate eachother, the main reason being how they both just want Y/N (you lmao) for themselves.
Although you might hate the character Naomi (and you should) just remember she's struggling with behaviour issues so it isn't entirely her fault.

~ The Relationship Between Y/N and Toby ~
K so, it probably seems really weird that Y/N and Toby start liking eachother really early on, but lemme explain.
Ever since the "waffle incident" where Y/N asked that question which made Toby remember his past and then Y/N comforted him, it made Toby feel like he could trust somebody and that he had somebody that he always wanted to be around. So, he started liking Y/N and the more they hung out, the more they started to like eachother. They've been bestfriends for around a month now and the fact that Toby is clingy to people he likes, he doesn't want anybody getting in the way of him and Y/N.

~ The Pills, Disorders, Static-y Power etc. ~
So in this story, you have bi-polar disorder which you take pills for and have been taking for years now.
It makes your mood change drastically and stuff, just google the symptoms. Toby has bi-polar disorder too, it says it on his official wiki. So now you two have anoTher ThinG iN coMMoN!
As for the static power, I listed all of its effects on one of the chapters (I think either chapter 6 or 7.) so um yeah you can read that to find out more.
The main effects I want you to focus on about the static pills is that they make you numb to pain, give you extra energy, can make you super fast and strong. (Remember that that's not all of the effects, but those are the ones I want you to focus on.)
The only downside of the pills is that they sometimes make you ill afterwards and make you throw up.

~ Y/N's behaviour and feelings ~
In this book, you act extremely nice to Credits, one of your bestfriends. Although you're super nice to Credits, you act even kinder towards Toby. Naomi annoys you at times especially when she talks rude about Toby. Jack and you are friends but not super close. You're not sure how you feel about Toby yet, and it makes it even harder because you've never felt love before in your life so you have no idea how to deal with these emotions for him.

~ Other Creepypastas ~
Now, only Brian and Nurse Ann have ever had a slight convo with one of the characters but hear me out, future chapters will definitely have more pastas. :)

~ Future Plans ~
For future chapters, I hope on discontinuing my streak of plotholes and add some common sense into the story. I really hope I add more thought process towards Y/N because my first chapter was honestly probably my best with the most details, so I'm going to start making my chapters more like the writing style in my first chapter. I hope to add more info about other campers soon and more pastas for that matter. I plan on making this book up to 30 chapters long and then I will make sequels :,).


Thank you to those who have stuck with me up until chapter 6 lmfao we already have 100 reads and that's insane so thank you so much and I promise I'll put my blood, sweat, heart, lungs and tears into this book series until it's the ABSOLUTE BEST.

Love you all :)
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Camp Creepypasta {Ticci Toby x Reader} [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now