Chapter. 5: "Worry."

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~ Ticci Toby's POV ~

It's now Saturday.

It's been almost four days since I've last seen her.. I shouldn't have left her.. I should've done something.

"..Damnit!" I put my hand on my face and groaned

We've already searched the area and nobody can find her.. even Slender can't find her! They told me to just leave it as it is and she probably would've died in one of the weekly battles anyways but no, I'm not going to "leave it as it is".. I'm going to find her.
She's such a cool friend, I'm not going to lose that so quickly.

I sat against the wall,

"she might be dead." A voice told me "and you're to blame."

"Because of me?"

The voices wouldn't fucking shut up like usual.

"It's all your fault."
"It's all your fault."
"It's all your fault."
"It's all your fault."
"It's all your fault."
"It's all your fault."

"It's all your fault."

Suddenly I heaved forwards, landed on my hands and knees and threw up blood.

I put my hand over my mouth,

"Ugh sheesh.. again? Why does this always happen whenever I'm overwhelmed?? I need to like.. check in with Jack one of these days to see what's wrong with me."

but before that, there's something more important I need to do,

I need to go looking for her.

But the question is, where the hell is she..?

~ Credits/Danielle's POV ~

Toby's been pretty agitated ever since Y/N was taken. He refuses to tell anybody the details of what happened because all it does is make him have a panic attack.

All we know is that Y/N got taken by some dudes who've been looking for her to take her back to her parents, I hope Y/N is okay..

either that or she's..


Or maybe she's fine and maybe she's just.. around the forest hanging out..?

I doubt it.
But she's pretty strong, I know she'll find some way to do whatever she can to live from whatever she's dealing with.

I mean, I hope she's as strong as I think.

~ Y/N's POV ~

I can hardly run, I'm almost completely out of energy. The last option I had was, of course, the pills again.


I grabbed the pill bottle out from my pocket and downed the whole bottle.

I'm not sure if I'm glad I did, or if I seriously regret it.

I coughed up some static and for a second there was sharp pain throughout my whole body,

my insides felt rearranged in ways I can't explain.

But the good thing was that nothing hurt anymore the second after and I felt like I had energy again.

I sat up and shook the bottle, there was only one pill remaining.

I picked it up.. and I downed it too.

Next thing I knew,

I felt great, amazing, spectacular!
These pills are the fucking bOMb. I need to stock up on more when I get back to camp.

I got up and kept running north.
If I try hard enough, I'll eventually find my way back.


• T.B.C •
• words: 525 •
• heh this was short :,) •

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