Meeting Sierra

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Silver P.O.V

Misty's gonna introduce us to her older sister, Sierra. Hmm, what happened, I must have forgotten. Wait, I remember now Sierra, Gwen, Misty, and her mother are all hybrids, dragon-demonwolves. Better keep a close eye on them. I don't trust them, but should I tell everyone Misty's family secrets ? We saw Sierra and I was surprised. Sierra looked really calm and collected. She seemed to like the colors black and white. She was wearing a Yin-Yang chocker. She had a black bead headpiece. She had 4 piercings on her elf-like ears that she shares with Misty and most likely her other siblings. She had odd white hair, I'll have to talk to Renne (Misty's mom) about that. She was wearing a black-white shirt, black shorts, and white shoes. Maybe I was wrong about her. I thought she'd be like an over protective older sister, but it seems like Misty already has that job and she's the second youngest. (DAMN! Misty, you just got roasted also I don't know if the correct term is second youngest, middle child or one of the middle children is this damn situation) Wait, did I mention that she was wearing finger-less gloves. She gave me and Katarou each a yin-yang chocker, so I was yang while Katarou was yin.

Katarou P.O.V

It was shockingly fun meeting Sierra. Misty texted me what kind of person each sibling and her mom was like. That made it so I wouldn't be shocked when meeting them. I love being better friends with Misty than Silver. I mean Silver and Misty don't usually see eye to eye with each other, most of the time at least. Silver and I became good friends with Sierra. (Sims 4 notification noise intensifies "Hey I heard you became good friends with Sierra Silver and Katarou" as Misty just texts that to Katarou while wondering what she's doing with her life) It pays to be friend's with Misty so you can learn things about each of her siblings... and her mom. Now time to meet her older brother Deven. Something tells me that Silver and Deven will get along really well since they both don't really see eye to eye with Misty and they both have a rivalry with her. That means Deven and I might end up having a rivalry because of reasons that I've previously stated.


Like I said in the last chapter, Raven will now be known as Misty and I will try to update as much as I can until I finish this story to not leave any of my demon children hanging. When I'm done with this story, I'll try to start on another one since I have many more stories before and after this one that I would like to share, and they might be cringey depending on the topic or story type if that makes any sense. Well, Goodbye my little Devilish Psychos.

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