Transferfying ~1~

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Galinda's POV

I rolled over and looked at my small clock next to my bed. It was seven a.m. and I soon hopped out of my bed to get ready to go. I packed five suitcases full of clothing and shoes. I put them all on a dolly and brought them to the carriage. I was going to the one and only, Shiz University. It was smack dab in the middle of Oz, sitting very close in proximity to the Emerald City. I had already ordered my private suite with one bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroom. It also had a small balcony, along with being on the top floor of the dorms. I pulled out a cute white outfit, complete with a matching purse and beret. I curled the ends of my hair, along with doing my makeup with some light pink highlights. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. "Hello," I said dreamily looking at the reflection.

Elphaba's POV

I packed a small case full of everything I needed for school. I transferred to Shiz, with my younger sister Nessarose. My father made it quite apparent that I was simply going to look after Nessa, but I was honestly really exited. Shiz was the best university in Oz, and I had never been in the area before. Well, except when I was quite young but that's another story. I put on my uniform of deep navy blue matched with a blue hat. I put on my simple brown boots and slipped on my glasses. I took a deep breath when Nessa rolled in. "Hello, Nessa," I said while turning around from my case with all of my clothing inside. "Hello, Elphaba," She responded back. "Almost ready?" She asked. I simply nodded, closing my case and wheeling her over to the carriage. My father came outside behind us and helped me situate Nessa inside the cart. He sat in the front, with two steeds pulling it along the long, winding road. I set my case down on the floor of the carriage while leaning my head back and closing my eyes.

Galinda's POV

I stared in the mirror for a few minutes before loading all of my luggage, with the help of my Popsicle, into the carriage. My Momsie and Popsicle sat on either side of me before we got going to Shiz. It didn't take long, since we lived in the Gilikin, the closest town to the Emerald City. In about a single tick of the Time Dragon Clock, we arrive. I board all of my luggage on one single cart, as my old peers from my High School gather around. I sit on top of the pile of luggage, while people are saying compliments to me as the cart gets wheeled towards the administration office. I sulk in the free admiration for a moment before we are told to stand up and sing the Shiz anthem. My Popsicle checks me in and I say goodbye to my parents before getting wheeled to another place, also known by the commons. I make a grand entrance while hitting a really high note during the anthem. More people crowd around before staring at something. I look down from my pocket mirror I was staring at before seeing something I couldn't describe. A green girl.

Elphaba's POV

I closed my eyes until we arrived. I helped Nessa and got her into her chair before walking to the administration office with my father. He signed us both in and we were told to go over to the commons. People kept staring and pointing at me, while I tried to keep as little eye contact as possible. I walked towards the commons before we were all instructed to stand up for the anthem. I started singing with Nessa as we navigated through the crowd, students blocking their sight from me left and right. I rolled my eyes as I heard a high pitched sound in the distance. I looked over to my left and saw a petit girl on top of a stack of luggage with a crowd of followers. Everyone in the commons ran over to her, staring at her with huge smiles plastered on their faces. I stared at her for a moment and my face heated up. She was looking in a pocket mirror when everyone turned around and stared at me. "What?" I snapped. "Oh do I have something in my teeth?" I said sarcastically. "Alright fine!" I said while dropping my case of clothing. "Might as well get this over with," I said while walking towards the crowd. "No I'm not sea-sick, yes I've always been green!" I exclaimed firmly. "Elphaba!" My father's voice echoed while wheeling Nessa in front of him. "Oh and this is my younger sister Nessarose and as you can see she's a perfectly normal color!" I ranted. "Elphabaaa," My father said while grabbing my wrist and pulling me away from the crowd. "Stop making a spectacle of yourself!" He scolded. "Remember I'm only bringing you here for one reason-" He said sternly. "I know," I dismissed. "To look after Nessa," I continued while looking down. "My precious little girl," He said while pulling out a medium-sized box from behind his back. "Father," She said in adoration. "A pardon gift," He said while smiling. He opened the box to reveal some sparkling shoes. "Ohh jeweled shoes?" She said happily while pulling one out to stare at it. "As fits the future governor of Munchkinland," He said while turning around to face me. "Elphaba," He said while slamming the box shut. "Take care of your sister, and try not to talk too much," He said while shoving the box in my hands and walking away. I turned to look at my sister and then at the box. "Elphaba," Nessa said with a hint of pity in her voice. "Well what could he have gotten me? I clash with everything," I said while laying the box into Nessa's hands. Then, a lady with a bright green dress and white tied-up hair approached. "Welcome, new students! I am Madame Morrible, headmistress here, at Shiz University," She announced. She proceeded to talk about seminars as we gathered around.

Galinda's POV

I got off of the luggage and walked over towards Madame Morrible. "Now regarding room assignments," She said as I raised my hand, while looking across from the room and seeing the green bean's hand raised as well. Madame Morrible asked me if this was about room assignments. "Oh, Madame, thank you for asking, but I've already been assigned a private suite...," I said while an armada of 'boos' and sighs echoed through the crowd. "But you can all come visit me whenever you want!" I said while looking at the crowd. "How good of you!" My friend Shen Shen appointed. "You are so good!" My other friend Pfanee chimed in. "No I'm not," I said smiling and waving my hand in dismissal. "Yes you are!" They both remarked. "Nooo stop," I said while tossing my hair and smiling even more. "Do you have a question?" Madame Morrible said, intervening on my sulking of attention. "Yes, you see, I am Galinda Upland of the Upperuplands... I've applied to your sorcery seminar, and indeed that is my sole purpose of attending Shiz; to study sorcery with you. Perhaps you recall my essay, 'Magic Wands, Need They Have A Point,'" I said while pulling her aside. "Yes... However, I do not teach my seminar every semester, unless, of course, somebody special were to come along..." She trailed off. "Well, exactly!" I said as the crowd nodded with me. "Madame, we have not received our room assignments," The green bean said while showing her raised hand. "Yes, yes, of course! Oh, You must be Miss Nessarose, the governor's daughter. What a tragically beautiful face you have! Sees Elphaba, snorts...And you must be..." She trailed off. "I'm the other daughter. Elphaba. I'm beautifully tragic," She said while putting her hand down. "Yes well, I'm sure you're very bright," She remarked. "Bright? She's phosphorescent," I said with a smirk while she grunted and attempted to run at me. " I don't seem to have you on my list. Oh, well a slight gulch, but not to fret! We'll find someplace to put you!" Madame Morrible said while pointing her finger at her. "Y'know, I don't even think she read my essay!" I said with a slight whine. "That is so unfair!" Shen Shen said pitifully. "You should say something," A little Munchkin said. "Should I?" I questioned. "Do it!" The crowd said in unison.

Elphaba's POV

"Now, which one of you young ladies would like to volunteer to share with Miss Elphaba?" Madame Morrible said. "Madame Morrible!" The blonde said while skipping forward and raising her hand. "Thank you dear. Oh, how very good of you!" Madame Morrible said while I was looking back at Nessa. "What?" She said while looking back at the crowd. "Miss Elphaba, you may share a room with Miss Galinda," She said while putting our hands together.

A/N: First chapter in the bucket! I know this was basically just the intro in the Musical, but I needed some backstory to work off of. Thanks for reading! Again, chapters will be sparse but longer so I don't know when I will get back to you, but I will eventually. Love you all!

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