Chapter 12

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 Finally its Girls' Night! I can't wait to tell Chris and Ella all about these past few weeks.

I'm busy getting everything ready, and by everything, I mean, salty and sweets, as well as ordering enough pizza t
feed and entire army, or two young women and a Chris.

Finally I have everything ready and just in time to hear the bell ring.

A minute later the three of us are already spread on our usual spot on the living room floor.

"I feel like I haven't saw you in weeks." Ella is pouting, as I exchange a look with Chris. Ella doesn't understand my bond to Richard so she can't understand why is he my main focus.

"I know, I'm sorry, I was just enjoying my limited time with Richard, I will make it up to you guys."

"That's a promise! Not take backs! Can we get whatever we want? I want food!! And a hot guy! But mainly food!" Chris always finds a way to help me out of these moments.

"Sure, sure, I'll buy you lunch for a week!"

"Ella, you're hearing this right?! Will you be a witness in case she changes her mind?"

"Of course Chris, it was promised." Ella is smiling and appears to have forgotten the origin of the conversation. Thank you, Chris.

"So, Katherine, spill! How were these past weeks?"

"Well, Christine, I had a lot of fun."

"What did you do together?"

"Ella! What an indecent question!!" Chris pretends to be shocked at Ella's question."

"What?! No! That's not- I didn't meant- I-!! Chris!!"

I can't hold my laughter, seeing Ella so abashed is too funny, nonetheless, too not embarrass her further, and before she has a heart attack, I decide to answer.

"We went to a lot of these parties, and many fancy dinners with some of his colleagues, as well as various kind of uptight events."

"Events with a lot of people?"

"Yes, Elle, event with a lot of people."

"And you had fun doing that?"


"Kat, come on we know you, and you know that Elle's question is valid, you hate big crowds."

"I do, but these events were important to Richard."

"I see, have you got some stories? We can bad mouth pompous people!"

"Always the same, Chris. Most of it was actually pretty boring, we only met the people we had to meet and then Richard talked to them about business. However, there was a situation I would rather forget."

"Tell us! What happened?" Chris can't resist some gossip, as usual.

I fill them in on the circumstances that took place with that creepy old dude.

Shockingly, Ella was the first to comment, both of them seemed disgusted.

"I was actually expecting Richard to punch the guy, at the very least."

"He wanted to, I asked him not too."

"I know, but I just thought he would act without reason, most guy do when it comes to these situations, but I'm glad he didn't harm his position on the company he works for."

"How could you stand for being surrounded for all these people? Have you gone to the Spot, these weeks?"

"No." I could sense she was about to reprimand me.

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