Chapter 36

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I hate the smell of Hospitals. The air is always heavy with sorrow and despair.

It reminds me of when Aiden slipped into a coma. He woke up only a week ago...and now here I am again.

Goddess...I miss him. Where is he?

The couch I'm sitting on is extremely uncomfortable, but what to expect...freaking human's hospitals.

The beeping of the machines is constant and only add to the tense atmosphere.

I hate hospitals. I hate everything about them, just the fact that we are here is a bad sign, it means someone I love is in danger or in pain.

I'm trying not to cry looking at the bed, but I'm basically alone here, so I indulge.

I walk towards the bed and sit on the chair that stands by it.

I lay my head down and as the first few tears escape me, I hear the door open slowly and someone entering the room.

I don't move or look up when I hear them approach me, not even when the person hugs me sweetly.

"It's okay to cry, Kitten."

"I know, I just..." I look up to see Aiden's face come into view, he looks tired.

"You are trying too hard to be strong for me and Rose, but she was your best friend too." He wipes my tears gently and cups my cheek.

"Thank you." I lean my face towards his open hand.

"Where's Rose?" We move to the couch so we can sit together, comforting each other.

"I finally convinced her to go and eat something as well as change her clothes."

"That's good. She has been here for hours without rest, she needs to take a little time."

"I don't think she can. I couldn't when..." Thinking about it still makes my very core shake.

"Shhhhh.... It's ok, Kitten. I'm here."

I nod but I can't imagine a time when remembering that experience won't terrify me.

"I thought I convinced you to go and rest too, Aiden...I can't have you collapse again."

"I did! Promise. I showered, ate and slept for one or two hours. I'm sorry for scaring you."

I shrug at his apology. Wait. Did he say two hours?!

"Wait. What time is it?"

"23h? Not completely sure, I forgot my watch and phone at home."

I look at my phone, "It's true, it's 23h. I guess I lost track of time watching my sister cry her heart out, Rose left about 15 minutes ago." I didn't even noticed Aiden was gone for so long, but now that he's here I don't know how I manage without him by my side.

"Elle is going to be ok."

"How are you so sure?"

"Well...she's related to me, and we are great." I narrow my eyes at his joke although I appreciate his attempted humor. Soon he becomes serious, "I just do. She's my sister and Dawn is looking out for her."

"If that's true, I'll be eternally grateful to Dawn for it."

"Me too, Kitten, me too."

He's trying to be positive, but I can see the fear of losing her, in his eyes.

"It's okay to cry, Aiden." I smile as I repeat his words back to him and he returns it.

"I think I cried enough for now. I just...I'm so scared of losing her too. It feels like I lose everyone." It kills me to see him so vulnerable.

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