Chapter 3: Ocean Eyes

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[Revised Version]

"Raindrops fall from everywhere. I reach out for you, but you're not there. So I stood waiting in the dark. With your picture in my hands. Story of a broken heart. Stay with me, don't let me go. 'Cause I can't be without you. Just stay with me, and hold me close. Because I've built my World around you." ~Danity Kane


The Cyan waves across him were reflecting his inner turbulence. They were angry and upset - foaming and lonely. Each rising tide covered the tips of his exposed toes, sand cowering back beneath his feet as if to pull him in - an invitation. And yet, the Boy was drowning there on the coast - without the Man; a white, sad Dot at the seaside that didn't want to go Home.

The Sun was sinking, far on the horizon under the line of the hostile Sea. How many Sunsets had he watched like this - lost in thoughts, longing for a Man that didn't want to embrace their Fate? The sadness that the Boy was in, he, kind of, knew it was something mutual with him. However, he wouldn't show up. And the agitated ripple of the waves was the only thing to remind him that his shattered heart was still beating in his chest.

He rose to his feet with determination in his gaze and blankness in his Soul. He moved forward, one foot in front of the other - slowly - without a clue of the forces that were making him - as if it wasn't himself.

He wasn't feeling like himself. Cold desperation was driving him to extreme calculations. Waves thrashed against him, trying to push him back - maybe, change his mind. But there was no going back. He kept his forward momentum, ready and willing to accept the outcome - whatever that was.

The cold water hugged his form, soaking his thin clothes. But he didn't stop. When his feet couldn't meet the sand beneath the surface, he pushed forward with his hands and legs. Formidable waves threatened to swallow him, but he would dive in before they could immerse him.

Though the farther he would go, the harder staying afloat was becoming. Wave after wave began to win against his resistance, keeping him under the surface longer and longer as they splashed on him one after the other with no mercy.

His chest tightened ominously. He didn't think he could restrain the inevitable for much longer. With every emergence, each gasp for air meant more water in his lungs. But he fought to his last breath until the water began to haul him down. And he could do nothing but stare wistfully up to the surface, losing hope. He didn't care about the end. All he cared about was him.

He convulsed violently as his mind fogged. His hands and legs stopped working, allowing his body to sink further down. And his eyes closed to welcome the other side.

But within another second, he was back on the coast on top of the golden sand, coughing and ejecting water nastily with a new, soaked figure pressing him down aggressively to keep him in place.

Wheezing heavily still, he turned his head to find the eyes of his Savior drilling holes in him - Scarlet and worried, piercing and precious. And his cough ceased for those eyes. The terror inside him transformed into fondness. Those Red Skies kept scrutinizing his face anxiously. And when they couldn't see an alarming thing, fingers went and caressed the line of his cheek, waking Blue Flames in their way to assure his well-being.

The palm slipped to his chest to stay on top of his erratic heartbeats. Something close to sweet relief seemed to flicker in the redness for a mere second. Then those eyes lit up again with rage. But he wasn't afraid. That Man could never hurt him.

A shattered breath left him. His hands reached up, one after the other, finding refuge at each cheek. Surprisingly enough, the Man had allowed it. He hadn't even noticed them until they were there. It seemed to the Boy the Man still couldn't believe he was there. Beyond the relief and the anger, the worry and the torment, the Boy could see the Man fighting to feel his presence close to his. His thumbs began to caress along his cheekbones because he wanted the same thing. A soft smile curled his lips slightly - with implicit, radiant happiness. And the dripping wet Black hair sending rain down on him made him tear up a little.

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