Chapter 7: Burn Our Way Back To Home

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[Revised Version]

"We're broken. Like every single little promise that we've ever spoken. I'd be in front of you and yet you wouldn't even notice. I'm left here hurting. These feelings resurface. It's burning. It's burning. It's burning ever since I lost you." ~Etham


Balancing his weight on the balls of his feet and stretching his body as much as he could, Jimin extended his hands upwards, only to huff and puff in annoyance for his millionth unsuccessful try to reach the object of his want that day.

And it was that Evil Bunny's Fault!

It was His Malevolence and Magic.


Damned Blue Magic!

Jungkook was doing it on purpose. Jimin knew it. And he wouldn't stoop as low as Him. If he were to turn around to find His Complacent Structure perched on the side of their couch - legs widely apart and arms comfortably stretched at each side of His torso, over an armrest and the rachis of the backrest - then... the Angel would've lost his cool and the battle against the Ruler of Hell altogether.

With a huff, the Blonde stabilized himself back on his feet and turned around to drag a chair in front of their living room's Bookcase - under the right shelf. Any other day - and Jimin would've just asked for the help of the Bunny at fault. It was precisely what the Devil wanted - to have him Dependent on His Powerful Grace even for the Maintenance of a Piddling Book, to toy with his Patience like a Child searching for the threshold of His misdeeds, to nudge the Angel until his Kindness were to snap and his Patience to cripple.

Perhaps... Jungkook was Curious. Or Bored. It had to be a bit of both. He would like to know. Until when could He pull the thread? Where could He draw the lines before the Emotional Paroxysm?

Were there any to begin with?

With Jimin. An Angel of supposedly Endless Understanding and Meekness, Softness and Forbearance... Was there a Boundary to the Calmness?

The Devil had it wrong.

Jungkook had it all wrong. Angels were Living Beings, too. They had Feelings, too. Emotions from every side - the Good and the Bad. Just like Demons. No one could escape Feelings. They had vital importance. They were a part of who they were - the foundation of each Soul, what made them Unique Individuals and not just Rocks of Moondust roaming purposelessly in Space.

Even his Father would get Angry sometimes. God. Yes. God would get Angry and Worried and Difficult from time to time. Strict. But He would always return to His Loving self, His Tender, Kind Stability - no matter what. Jimin missed Him terribly. His Mother, too. He had to push himself not to contemplate their perturbed state for too long each time they would come to his mind. The thought of them worrying to death over his absence was killing him slowly.

But Jimin couldn't act differently. Not at the moment. He wanted to live it - feel it. It was selfish. Perhaps a Sacrilege. But he wanted to have what he could with Jungkook. There in their Tiny, Secluded Cabin. Just the two of them. Them and their Bond. The Loudest Example of the Inevitability of Emotions in Everyone. Even in him - the Son of God and Prince of Heaven. Even in Jungkook - the Ruler of Hell and Destined Mate of his.

It was there. Real. Fiery and Alive. Jimin could feel it in his bones. It ran in his veins and core. It had a Nest in his Soul. With every breath - within his every step and every Atom of his Entity - he had a Piece of the Devil already engraved everywhere.

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