Chapter 8: You Belong To Mr. Bunny

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[Corrected Prototype]

"What's left of this moment, I'm not gonna waste it. Stranded together, our worlds have collided. This won't be forever, so why try to fight it? We're beautiful now. We might not know why. We might not know how. But baby, tonight, we're beautiful now." ~Zedd


Jimin flipped another page, trying hard to concentrate on the letters in front, but his brain seemed unable to. Letters didn't form words, sentences didn't make sense, and breaths didn't stop hit across his neck.

Jimin sighed, closing his book. He tilted his head, baring his neck as he leaned backward, settling further in his alive armchair.

"Jungkook..." Jimin purred to the Jungkook he was sat upon. "Stop."

Jungkook disinterred His face from Jimin's neck. But His hands tightened around the Angel's waist in case his Mate wanted to leave...

"I meant worrying. Stop worrying."


"I told you. I won't leave."

All day. Jungkook was Quiet and Worried all day. Trailing behind Jimin, always at a small distance, like a Lost Puppy, doing everything by Magic, barely letting Jimin even go to the bathroom. And His eyes would snap from Black to Red at the smallest movements from Jimin. Jungkook was an Anxious Mess. And Jimin was the reason why.

And there it was again; the Silence, that Silence, Jungkook's Immense Silence. Jimin turned his head to face Him. The popping veins weren't on His cheeks - thankfully. But His eyes were flashing Red and Black. Jimin reached and touched Jungkook's cheek softly.

"What's wrong with you, huh?" Jimin asked as if he didn't know, wanting to just give Jungkook a chance to open up on His own.

Jungkook didn't answer. He hadn't spoken a word all day actually. Not that Jungkook was the Talkative Kind of Man but... Jimin had started to grow Anxious himself. Apparently, the Devil in Jungkook hadn't been convinced that Jimin wouldn't disappear on Him since last night's incident.

"I'm going to stand up now," Jimin warned Jungkook who instantly frowned in dismay, eyes snapping a staying Red. Jimin slipped his hand from Jungkook's cheek to Jungkook's hand on his stomach to carefully unwrap himself from His firm hold. "Don't go all Panicky."

Jungkook let Jimin stand with Red, Wary eyes following his every move. Jimin simply dropped his book on the coffee table before turning back to Him, extending his hand for Him to take. Jimin pulled Jungkook to His feet the moment their hands intertwined as tightly as their Laced Fate.

Jimin led their way a little farther in their living room, to the space in front of the windows. And for a moment there they stood, face to face, hand in hand, with Moon and Stars witnessing their Sin from outside and above. Their Silhouettes bathed in silver light. And staring into each other's eyes - on a Planet with just them two - everything else seemed to fade away in a haze where all they could see was each other's eyes, Calm Oceans against Flaring Fires. And as Jungkook felt himself slipping into the deep Blue, getting lost in Jimin, Jimin stepped closer because those fires could never burn him and because those fires would only pacify if he was standing close enough to blanket them out.

Their bare big toes touched lightly against the wooden floor, and Jimin's head tipped backward to maintain eye-contact with the Taller Man. Unoccupied small fingers reached out for Jungkook's other free hand. And when they found no resistance, Jimin situated Jungkook's hand around his waist while bringing their already laced hands up and across them. Jimin's hand lingered atop of Jungkook's on the small of his waist for a second more before bringing it up to rest over Jungkook's shoulder.

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