Chapter 10: Light Is Cruel, Darkness Should've Known

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"There's a look in your eye that your words can't describe, it's so cruel. But the more that you hurt me the harder I fall into you." ~Hurts


When lips pulled apart, eyes locked, feelings met, and heartbeats aligned to what was to come.

Small trembling fingers came down to the hem of his white blouse, and bigger steadier ones came to help it up over Jimin's head. As it went falling down somewhere on the bathroom floor, eyes stayed locked, communicating in that short instant before Jungkook's eyes slipped down to rove over Jimin's slender upper half. His eyes swallowed flawless milky skin, wandering over and about to appreciate Jimin's cute, pink nipples as well as his perfect, flat tummy, maybe for a bit too long before they returned back up to Jimin's to get lost into the deep blue.

Jungkook dipped down without a word, grabbing Jimin's face up to another needful kiss, full of tongue and pure lust.

Jungkook did both of them a favor and cleaned them in the spot by magic, taking the aftermath of rain on them away in a mere fraction of a second.

Jimin merely got to let out a satisfied hum into the kiss before they were once again back into their bedroom, standing mouth to mouth in the middle of the room that was more Jimin-like than Jungkook-like, the sweet-soft temperament of the Angel's was showing from everywhere and all around the yellow walls and curtains, baby-pink sheets and covers on the heavy wooden bed, and soft, fluffy pillows of all colors and shapes scattered all over it and the floor. A word was all it took for them to happen. If Jungkook couldn't give his kingdom to Jimin to rule, the least he could do was turn their little home however Jimin wanted it to be.

A thunderclap from outside interrupted them, cutting through the sounds of their kiss in the dim-lighted room, as if to remind them of the world still existing outdoors, with fierce raindrops fussing while hitting against the window doors.

But it was in that moment where all their senses stopped to the sense their little feeling made.

No turning backs.

No run and hide.

Inside this room, all there was, was just them two. And nothing else mattered.

They could hear it through their bond, they could see it into each other's gaze, they could feel it in their synchronized heartbeats; their silent agreement to take that next step. It was time.

Jimin undid his own trousers without breaking eye contact with Jungkook. The silk material pooled around his feet when it fell to the floor along with his underwear, and Jimin stepped out of that shimmering white sea completely bare. White wings came into sight from behind his back and it was in that moment where Jimin actually stood completely exposed body and soul before the eyes of the man he loved.

It felt vulnerable out in jeopardy, where the prying eyes of Jungkook's were eating him up bit by bit. Up from sinfully curvy hips, down to deliciously thick thighs, down to adorably small toes, Jungkook's eyes ogled once, only to go right back up to start their ogling de novo, this time staying glued over that wonderful little something in between Jimin's legs.

Jungkook's tongue came out to wet his lips before his eyes snapped up to the eyes of this mouth-watering and luscious dessert. And, to his surprise, he found Jimin staring right back at him, with eyes not shy, not fearful, but sure, sure he wanted this. And with that very same certainty flickering in his eyes, Jimin took one step closer, closing their gap, hands already reaching for Jungkook's only piece of clothing.

Jimin pulled Jungkook's black trousers down, and when they were carelessly forgotten on the floor with his underwear and all, Jimin's eyes didn't unlock from Jungkook's, they didn't dare to, scared they might fill with fear. The fear that would discourage him from this determined peace of mind he had somehow managed to craft for himself. Because Jimin could fantasize how Jungkook was big, too big, maybe even too big to fit down there.

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