Chapter 2: First Heart

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Hello everyone! I'm back with another chapter of Master of Jiongu! Last time was a large flashback about how Naruto got the Jiongu, and now he's going to get the first heart that'll be assimilated into his being.

Now sit back and enjoy the show!

(Konoha-Four Years After Kyuubi Attack)

Naruto Uzumaki didn't live a good life. He was ignored by most of the kids his age, and hated by most of the adults. The only ones that didn't hate him were the Hokage, and the Ichiraku's who ran the ramen stand. He never understood what made him so unlikeable to many people. He tried to be nice to others, but they still ignored him. He used to think that it was because of the strange stitches on his side, but then realized that it would be stupid to hate someone because of that.

He learned that he would have to hide his sadness since he saw that people seemed to enjoy seeing him suffer. So he just gave everyone a big grin with closed eyes. He kept his eyes closed because he knew that no matter what he did, he couldn't hide the sadness that would show.

Currently, Naruto was on his way back to the orphanage after spending the day at Ichiraku. He ate as much ramen as possible without spending all his money. He snuck back in through a hole in his 'room' before covering it back up with a small rug. Naruto sighed as he climbed back into his rickety bed and closed his eyes.

However, before he could fall asleep, he was yanked out of bed by someone. He looked up and saw that it was the caretaker that was dragging him by his arm.

"Hey! Let me go!" Naruto cried as he started to struggle, only to get punched in the head by the woman.

"Shut up you little monster!" the nasty woman growled as she opened the door to the orpahnage. She then proceeded to throw Naruto into the cold winter night.

"You've overstayed your welcome here! Now leave and don't come back!" With that, she slammed the door in Naruto's face.

Naruto just sat there in shock, still processing what had just happened. When he realized that he was just kicked out of the orphanage. He stoodup and began to walk into the dark streets of Konoha.

The young Uzumaki kept to the alleyways since he knew that it would be a very bad idea to walk out in the open. He wanted to go to Ichiraku's but knew that they would be closed at this hour. He thought about going to the Hokage, however he decided that since he hasn't seen him in over a month that he was very busy.

Naruto eventually found a small cardboard box that was under an awning. Naruto decided to make it his new home. So the young boy crawled inside and curled himself into a tiny ball before falling asleep.

'Tou-san, Kaa-chan, please help me...' Were the last thought Naruto had before succumbing to a dreamless sleep.

(Hokage's Office)

'Curse this damned paperwork! Where does it keep coming from? How the Hell did Minato get it done so fast?' Hiruzen thought as he went through each paper, trying to finish up quickly so he could try to go and see Naruto. He and the clan heads weren't able to make another meeting after the one where Naruto was only one year old.

'Those damned council members on the civilian side are keeping me away from Naruto too much,' Hiruzen growled as he finished what he consdered the last paper for the evening. He sighed as he leaned back into his chair, thinking about how lonely Naruto might have been. He took out his crystal ball and used it to try and find Naruto. First he looked at his room in the orphanage, but it was surprisingly bare of everything.

"What?!" Hiruzen screamed as he shifted the view around the orphanage until he saw the caretaker throwing all of Naruto's stuff into a bonfire. Hiruzen growled as he desperately searched with his crystal ball for Naruto, the image kept changing to different places in Konoha, but couldn't find him.

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