Chapter 8: Team Training

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I'm baaaaaaack! So how have you all been? I know you all are practically dying for me to get on with this story of mine, but we shouldn't jump into the action just yet. That would be rushing things, and rushing things will only make problems.

So now we're going to be seeing Team 8 as they train, do missions, and improve as a whole before we continue with canon and start the Wave Arc. I assure you, things are going to be very different then how they originally were. You might like these changes.

Enough rambling, on with the show!

For three weeks, Team 8 has been training hard to improve upon their personal skills and teamwork. They would meet at the training grounds at 8:00 in the morning and commence with this schedule.


9:00-10:30=Teamwork Exercises and Chakra Control


12:00-1:00=Lunch Break

1:00-2:00=Genjutsu Detection and Releasing


Each training session helped them become closer to one another and grow stronger each day. Of course, they never would have thought that Kurenai would be a drill sergeant with her being a new Jounin.

And they never expected how torturous she could be with her Genjutsu. Though, Hinata never complained when her Genjutsu's involved a certain Jinchuriki doing certain things that resulted in Hiinata getting massive nosebleeds, much to Naruto's confusion, especially since she would never tell him about those Genjutsu's. And blush furiously whenever he came near her during those days.

However, today was going to be a new experience for Team 8...

(Training Grounds 16)

"Did I ever mention how much I hate Genjutsu?" Naruto asked as he crossed his arms and huffed.

"Every day since we started," Shino told him as he observed a beetle that landed on his finger. Naruto just gave him a look while Hinata giggled at his face. Kurenai chuckled at her students antics while they took a short break from their training.

"It's not my fault I can't cast a single one," Naruto said.

"Well, it kinda is," Kurenai said. "The Genjutsu that I know don't require a lot of chakra, and it's because of your large reserves that you can't cast any of them."

"Why must I be cursed with such a hurtful gift?!" Naruto wailed as anime tears fell down his face. Kurenai sweat dropped and considered sending Naruto to a psychiatrist before shaking the thought from her head.

"N-Naruto-kun, it's not t-that bad," Hinata said as she tried to console her secret love.

"I know Hinata-chan, it's just very frustrating," Naruto said as he detached his arm and threw it up to grab an apple. He pulled back and handed the apple to Hinata, who blushed a bright red before she took the apple and ate it with a smile on her face.

"Alright, now let's-" Kurenai was cut off when another person entered the training grounds. She had light brown eyes and purple hair that was done up in a spiky ponytail. She was wearing a mesh shirt that was practically see-through, reaching down to her thighs. An orange skirt was hanging from her hips, not even reaching her knees. She also had a tan trenchcoat that did nothing to hide her figure.

"What are you doing her Anko?" Kurenai asked.

"Hey Kure-chan, you're needed in the Hokage's office for a small mission," Anko said as she took out a dango stick and began to munch on it.

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