Chapter 16: Forest of Death 2

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And I'm back! Time to wrap up the second exam people.

So I'm looking back at the last chapter because I thought that I forgot something, and then I realized that I forgot to write the three author notes at the end. So if you could just pay attention here, I'll explain it. It would help if you looked back at the last chapter so you know what I'm talking about.

1. I remember seeing this in another fanfiction once. All I can remember from it was that Naruto was on Team 8 with Hinata and Shino and that Hinata did the same thing to help Naruto.

2. Suiton: Water Binding Jutsu-The user channels his chakra into the nearby water and uses it to capture his targets. It's a downgraded version of the Water Prison Jutsu.

3. Kirigakure is in the middle of their bloodline purges. So the ones loyal to Yagura wouldn't dare do anything to a person with a Kekkei Genkai unless it involves killing them or selling them to Kumo. Hamaguri just couldn't help himself when he saw Hinata's developing figure.

So now that I've gotten that out of the way, it's time to get this chapter started. And yes, there will be a very good explanation as to how Naruto got the Mangekyou Sharingan. I thought it out thoroughly.

And this will be the last time that Hinata's going to be the damsel in distress for a long time. I just needed her to play that role last chapter for a reason that will be explained.

Now let the show begin!

(Forest of Death)


Everyone watched in amazement as Hamaguri's sword practically went through Naruto like he was a ghost. Naruto landed on the ground with a small bounce while Hamaguri stumbled as he looked at Naruto with fear in his eyes.

"W-what the hell are you?!" Hamaguri cried as he tried to back away. Naruto was still in shock himself, not really understanding what had happened either. All he knew was that he sent a large burst of chakra to his eyes and turned into a ghost.

"Naruto-kun, what was that?" Hinata asked as she knelt beside him.

"I...I don't know," Naruto said as he fished through his pockets for a kunai. "All I know is that I sent a huge amount of chakra to my eyes." He then whirled around and shoved Hinata behind him when he heard Hamaguri let out a battle cry and race forward with his sword out in front of him.

"Die you bloodline frea-GURK!" Hamaguri was stopped and looked down where a bone drenched in his blood was sticking out of his chest. He weakly turned around and saw that Shujin was behind him with an enraged expression.

"Die, so I may be free," Shujin whispered as he roughly jerked the bone out of Hamaguri's chest.

"You should...have died with...the rest of...freaks..." Hamaguri gasped as he fell to the floor dead. Naruto's three masks shot out of the bushes and were about to rush the Kaguya until Naruto stilled them with a wave of his hand.

"Why would he do that to his own teammate?" Shino asked as he stepped out of the bushes.

"They were treating him like a slave because of his bloodline," Naruto explained.

"Yes, they would use the seal that was on my body whenever they wanted to control me," Shujin explained. "Only a highly advanced seal master can have a chance of removing it."

"Maybe my Kaa-chan could help, she's really good with seals," Naruto said. Shujin seemed hopeful at the prospect of having his seal removed.

"Naruto," Shino sighed, "do you just like picking up people to take home?"

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