Chapter 6: Graduation and Revelation

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Yo! How's everyone doing today? Hope you're all excited for the next chapter, cause we're now starting canon!

There's going to be some changes to how everything goes, obviously, as we go along the plotline. So things might leave you shocked, surprised, sad, happy, or whatever else you are feeling at the moment.

On a side note, everyone except Naruto is in their regular clothing. Meaning what they wore in Pre-Shippuden. There is no need for any clothing changes at the moment.

Now sit back, relax, and enjoy that bag of popcorn that I know you're eating. On with the show!

(Konoha-Twelve Years After Kyuubi Attack)

For once in his life, Naruto Uzumaki woke up before his alarm clock, something that has been prophesized to bring about the end of the world. Besides him not eating ramen. Of course, it may have to do with the fact that he was going to graduate from the Academy today and earn his headband alongside the rest of his classmates.

Naruto, getting more and more excited, jumped out of bed and ran out to his balcony where he held out his arms and felt the cool breeze touch over his skin. After observing the rising sun illuminate Konoha some more, he walked back in to see that his breakfast was already made, and Fox sitting next to the table.

Naruto grinned as he looked at Fox, he had finally found a way to make his heart have a little bit of a personality. It was difficult, but being Naruto, he didn't give up until he got something. Thankfully, it was something positive

All it took was installing a bunch of commands into the threads that were connected to the heart. It was a long and tiring process, mostly due to the fact that he wanted Fox to act like a fox and have a little human qualities, like cleaning and such.

After eating his cereal, he called Fox back into his body. He had decided to sleep with his heart out, mostly because it was very uncomfortable when he went on his back. Naruto then put on his trenchcoat and walked out the door. He then made his way to the Hyuuga Compound.

(Hyuuga Compound)

"Aren't you early Naruto-san?" one of the guards asked as he and his partner watched the young Uzumaki approach.

"Yeah, I'm just a little excited today," Naruto told them. "Today's the day I become a ninja!"

"Good luck then, we hope that you make it," the other guard said as he gave the blond a small smile.

After walking past the gate guards he was waiting by the front porch of the house that Hinata's family stayed. He dozed off after a while of waiting as he sat on a small bench.

He groggily awoke sometime later to an annpying tapping on his shoulder. After getting up and rubbing away the sleep from his eyes, he looked around to see that nobody was within his sight.

"BOO!" A small white sheet with eyeholes yelled as it popped up in front of Naruto.

"GHOST!" Naruto screamed as he jumped into the air and grabbed onto the roof of the porch, digging a few tendrils into it to keep him up there.

Suddenly, the sheet began to giggle beforeit was pulled up to reveal a smiling Hanabi.

"Got you Nato-nii-san," Hanabi said while giggling. Naruto groaned while he separated himself from the roof and landed in front of the giggling girl while sporting an evil smile.

"So little Hanabi-chan likes to laugh hmm?" Naruto thought out loud as he took small steps towards the young Hyuuga. Hanabi's eyes went wide as she started to back up, realizing what Naruto was about to do. However, she found that she couldn't move and looked down to see that Naruto had sent some threads to wrap around her legs while she was distracted.

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