Chapter 3: Meeting the Princess

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Yo! How's everyone today? You good? Cause I'm in a really good mood.

Before we start I woud like to ask all of my fans something. Where the Hell did you all come from?! Not that I don't love all the attention, but really! Not even twelve hours and I have over 700 views and countless followers and favorites! That's more than a new chapter of KHIII gets in two hours!

Now that we've gotten Naruto a heart, he's been training his ass off for the past year. So he'll be stronger than he was in canon. After all, that is how we writers make him right? He deserves a lot more than what he got, especially since he's the only thing that was keeping Konoha safe from an angry Kitsune.

As I said before, Hinata's coming! I know, I know, we saw her in chapter 1, but really, can I really introduce a character, especially as a baby? No, of course not, you need to see a character when they are able to speak. That is how you really introduce someone.

Enough with my rambling. Let's get this party started!

(Konoha-Five Years After Kyuubi Attack)

Naruto sighed as he leaned against the tree he was using as a target. The bark was littered with slash marks and punctures, like a bunch of other trees that were in the area. He was working hard mastering his Jiongu and making new ways to fight with it. He had made a bunch of new attacks to use, especially with his new ability.

He remembered when the Hokage helped him learn this new part of the Jiongu...

(Flashback-Three Months Ago)

"Ah, Naruto-kun, I was expecting you," Hiruzen said as he saw the blond walk inside.

"You were?" Naruto asked as he entered.

Hiruzen smiled and said, "Yes, I was wondering if you would like to learn another ability of the Jiongu."

"Don't you know me by now Jiji? Of course I want to learn a new ability!" Naruto shouted as he practically bounced off the walls.

Hiruzen chuckled and said, "Excellent, we'll leave for my personal training area in a few minutes."

"Why? Why don't we just go now?" Naruto asked.

"I've been signing a lot of papers today and my hands are a little numb. I would like to have some feeling in them before we start training," Hiruzen said as he glared at the pile of finished paperwork.

"Okay, there was something I had to tell you anyway," Naruto said as he took a seat.

"What is it?" Hiruzen asked.

Naruto pulled back the sleave of his right arm and showed the Sandaime that there was stitching in the middle of his forearm.

"What happened?" Hiruzen asked, thinking that Naruto was attacked.

Naruto rubbed the back of his head and explained, "Well, I was thinking about the abilities of my Jiongu and remembered that I could extend my limbs at the stitching. So I was thinking that it would be really cool if I could shoot my arm out at someone. When I tried to do it with my original stitching, it felt really uncomfortable. But then I felt my arm getting tingly and saw that this was happening."

"Incredible, I thought that you had to be cut for thta process to happen," Hiruzen said. "Can you make it go back to normal? I mean, can you make that arm normally attatched without the stitching?"

"Yeah, but it takes a lot of focus and makes me really tired when I do that, so I decided to leave it there and only take it away when I'm on vacation or something," Naruto said.

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