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"And I love her...I mean I did love her," Cleo wiped a tear that was coming out of her left eye and continued on, "but I slowly began to realize that this wasn't healthy and I was more scared than in love. I never thought she would try to kill me but...she got really jealous. If she took her meds this might not have happened..." Cleo choked on her tears as she spoke in court. Her crying face hurt my heart.

The judge raised his eyebrows, surprised at her speech.

"So...Miss Thomas? You feel that a plead of insanity and treatment in a mental facility is a fit punishment for Miss Eilish?" Cleo glanced at me and then quickly looked away. I feel Noah's eyes burning the back of my head as she glared at me from behind.

Cleo nodded, "Yes. I do."

The judge took a deep breath, exhaling slowly, "Well then, okay Miss Eilish. It's your lucky day. I sentence you to 5 years in a state mandated mental institution for treatment. Court dismissed."

I quickly stood up, forgetting I was now a ward of the state. All of my attention was centered on Cleo. I didn't know when I would see her again, if I ever did. Noah was already clinging to her that bitch had anything on me.

"CLEO!" I yelled as my lawyer placed his arm in front of me, fully aware that I had no self control when it came to that girl.

She looked over at me but remained silent.

"I love you. I'll see you when I get out. I'm sorry! I am!!" I was pulled away by 2 prison guards that were escorting me to my transportation to a psychiatric facility. Cleo had just nodded in response. Her face looked blank. I felt blank without her.

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - Forced 2 - Insane.Where stories live. Discover now