Sister Sarah.

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The guards were being way more rough than they needed to be as I was pushed into a van for transportation. I didn't get to say goodbye to Finneas or my parents, I hoped I wasn't going far because I wanted to be able to see them. 5 years was a long time and I had little hope that Cleo would want to see me anytime soon.

My ankles and wrists were shackled even though I had been deemed "criminally insane". I assumed this shit would come off when I got to the nut house. I looked out the window as it started to rain, we still hadn't started moving yet, the guards mumbled about the driver being late.

Then I saw it. Across the parking lot was a Range Rover, I'm assuming Noah's. Noah and Cleo were standing outside of it and Cleo was crying. Noah attempted to hug her but Cleo pushed her away, then the bus started to move. I was so engrossed in Cleo that I didn't even notice the drive climb onto the bus. Typical.

Maybe she was upset about me leaving...maybe she would wait for me. 5 years was a long time but our love was strong, it was real. I had a glimmer of hope.

The drive was at least an hour long on the uncomfortably firm bus seats. I couldn't help but think about the tabloids. They would know I was deemed criminally insane. I know Finneas would speak up for me and maybe even Cleo...but maybe not. Most of the people following me thought I was a little off anyway, some even suggesting I was involved in devil worship, which is one thing I did not fuck with.

We pulled into a large old building, it was massive and looked like an old church. There was a sign in the front of the building that read,

St. Mary's Girls School for the Insane probably religious. I think catholic? I don't know. I wasn't very into religion myself. But all girls...that doesn't sound so bad. I wonder how strict shit was here.

The bus parked, braking hard, causing me to shift forward in my seat in a jerking motion. The guards immediately came back to me, pulling me towards the exit by my wrist shackles. We exited the bus and quickly walked to the building, entering the front door which was unlocked by a badge the guard had on. Noted. This place wasn't as old as it was updated. I had to steal a card if I wanted in and out.

As soon as we walked into the front entrance a nun appeared from behind a side door,

"Miss Eilish?" She asked.

"Yep. What's up?" I responded, shaking my wet hair.

She looked disgusted already, "Uncuff her please," she ordered the guards. They freed me and she reached out to shake my hand, which I did follow through with.

"You're dismissed now boys," she said to the guards, they exited the front door, again using the badge to unlock it.

"So...Billie? That's your legal name?" I nodded.

"Yeah I guess my parents wanted to be original, I don't know," I scoffed.

She nodded slowly and began to walk. I took the hint and followed beside her.

"I know it's already night time now and you must be exhausted, but would you like a quick tour so you're not lost in the morning?"

"Sounds good to me."

I followed the nuns lead. And if you're wondering, no she was not a hot porno nun. She was an old nun.

"Forgive me, I haven't introduced myself. I am in charge of this facility, you may call me sister Sarah. If you have any concerns while staying here please feel free to address them with me," she smiled politely and led me down a long corridor.

"Miss Eilish...this is an all girls facility as you may have realized. I read in your file that you seem to believe you are sexually interested in women?"

I gave her a blank look,

"I don't think, I know. Forgive me sister Sarah but I like pussy. What's that have to do with anything?"

Her eyes widened at my statement but she cleared her throat and continued,

"We have a very strict no-contact rule allowed between the girls, you included. I wanted to make you aware."

"I figured."

We continued to walk,

"This corridor has all the girls rooms. You will have a roommate. Her name is Olivia. She is very timid and intelligent. I'm sure she's already asleep, but you'll meet her in the morning."

"Olivia - got it," I responded.

She showed me the cafeteria area, the common area and the courtyard area. She also showed me the shower room which was open...very convenient for the evil gays like myself. I couldn't help but make myself laugh.

She finally led me back to my room that I would be in, Olivia seemed to be asleep in the bed beside me. I couldn't get a good view of her in the dark and under the blankets.

"There is a nightgown on your bed for you to wear dear, goodnight. I'll see you at breakfast...and no roaming the halls at night. After 8pm everyone must stay in their rooms."

She shut the door behind her. I quickly took my inmate apparel off and pulled the nightgown over my head. I swear I saw a shimmer of an eye watching me from Olivia's head of the bed...but she stayed silent. I was probably imagining it.

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - Forced 2 - Insane.Where stories live. Discover now