Truth or Dare?

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It had been over two weeks since Billie came home. She was taking her meds, participating in therapy and was much nicer to the psychiatric assistants. Her and Denny had bonded over video games.

"Fuuuuck you always win this shit," Billie said angrily at Danny as she raced him on some car game. I sat and watched with a magazine in my hand. I was on the cover of his magazine. The modeling career was starting to pick up again.

But the paparazzi geez - they knew Billie was living here again and you should see some of the headlines about how dumb I am. They didn't know love made you stupid. I knew all too well, and I didn't give a fuck.

We hadn't slept together yet - I mean we had. But we hadn't fucked. She had held me, cuddled me, scratched my back, ran her fingers though my hair, etc. but she hadn't approached me yet. I think she felt guilty for cheating. I hoped that was the problem.

We climbed into bed, I had on a silky sleep shirt with boy short panties and Billie had on basketball shorts and a big 4x shirt. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders as we started a movie on the tv in our room.

The movie had become boring and Billie shut it off.

"Let's play a game?" She suggested.

"As long as I don't have to get up to play," I replied. She smiled.

"Truth or dare?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Dare," I responded with a devilish grin, she smiled back.

She sat thoughtfully for a moment, ruffling her hand through her hair,

"Kiss me like you used to kiss me," she said.

I bit my lip. We really had just been friends since Billie came home. Of course we still loved each other, if I didn't love her I wouldn't be paying out the ass for 24/7 psych staff in my home...but we had barely even kissed. If we did it was just a short peck.

I leaned in slowly and Billie did the same, when my lips crashed onto hers I felt the same electricity I used to feel all the time. The feelings and emotions were insane as she pulled me closer and continued the kiss. I pulled away and smiled at her while our noses touched,

"Nice try, but the dare was just a kiss."  I said with a wink.

She groaned and responded,

"Okay C, your turn!"

"Truth or dare?"

"Well I know you're gonna dare me to do something that doesn't involve touching truth."

I couldn't believe the ballsy words as they poured from my mouth,

"Why did you cheat on me? When I loved you the way that I do? Why?" I stared at her blankly trying to read her facial expression, which just looked shocked at the moment.

She ruffled her hair and bit her lip, avoiding eye contact before sighing and grabbing both of my hands into hers,

"I know you think it's because of something you did...probably. My therapist tried to get me to see things from your point of view and said you probably feel inadequate. I couldn't believe when he said that because you are anything but inadequate as a partner C. I don't deserve you. I slept with other girls because I was being selfish, not because you failed me somehow, and every single one of them was a mistake," she teared up slightly, "...and there weren't really feelings involved with them. Not like with us. I can't imagine how you feel because I couldn't even handle you sleeping with one other girl and I've been many...Jesus I'm so sorry Cleo," she leaned in and hugged me.

I hugged back right away. She was being sincere. Therapy was really helping her see things from other people's perspectives. She still did crazy shit sometimes, but her medications helped calm her.

I pulled away from the hug and looked at Billie,

"It's okay Bil, we're moving on now. We're stronger."

She shook her head no,

"It's really not okay. I can't believe I did that to someone that would do all this," she waved her arms around the house, "for me. I just want to let you know," she grabbed both my hands into hers, "sex with other girls is nothing like sex with you. I don't care about getting half these bitches off....but I live to see you get off. We make love. It's different. It's better."

I felt the same way about her. I with Noah wasn't terrible. She's hot, I was turned on, it was fun, but the guilt and discomfort I felt directly after was traumatizing. I knew I was never going to do it again right away.

I smiled at Bil, "I know exactly what you mean baby. Your turn," I squeezed her hand.

"Truth or dare C?"

I tapped my finger on my chin and surprised her with a wink,


Billie sat up in bed and rubbed her hands together mischievously,

"Hmmmm....I'm going to think of something good....." she laid back down beside me, "for this dare I need to ask a truth first."

I rolled my eyes, "of course you do Billie! Always cheating! Fine, what is it?"

She grinned and moved her mouth next to my ear,

"Do you still think about when you touch yourself?"

I blushed immediately, Billie and I hadn't even talked about...intimate shit in a long time. It felt like a whole new relationship on that level.

I bit my lip and nodded with a short school girl giggle - "uh huh..why?"

Billie pulled back and I saw how big her smile was,

"For this dare I need you to show me what you do when I'm not around. I want a show baby."

I blushed and nodded, same old Billie.

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - Forced 2 - Insane.Where stories live. Discover now