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Olivia started to show me the cafeteria because it was almost lunch time, it looked a lot different when it was full of girls in standard gray colored sweatpants, sweatshirt, sneakers, uniforms. I didn't mind...y'all know I wear sweatpants everyday anyway.

"You can sit with me and my friends once you get your food, we sit over there," Olivia pointed to a small table by one of the only windows in the room. Several girls waved at her in response, she waved back.

" See ya in a few," I turned my back towards her and waited in line. The girl in front of me was talking to another one about Tyler the Creator...okay these might be my people.

"That song She goes," I butted in the conversation, both girls looked me up and down and turned away, whispering and snickering quietly. Okay...bitches. Maybe those were some of the girls that Olivia had warned me about? She said there were spies that told Sister Sarah everything. They seemed like the type of low life cunts to snitch. I huffed and continued people watching elsewhere.

I watched a skinny girl that was reading a book but not eating be forced into going to get her meal tray. The guard was pretty rough with her, I was surprised this shit was allowed to be honest.

"Margo you have to eat. You don't want me telling Sister Sarah do you? She will put you under constant observation again!" the guard hissed at the girl as he pushed her into line behind me, she stumbled and fell, then sat on the ground afterwards, probably just stunned.

She looked up at the guard, "where the fuck is Jason anyway? I don't want you guarding the lunch room. You're a dick," he raised her eyebrows at her.

"Don't you worry about your boy Jason, worry about eating your fucking meals little girl," he walked away without assisting her up or apologizing.

I turned my body towards her,

"Need a hand?" I asked and stuck my hand out towards her.

She looked up at me making eye contact for the first time. I hadn't clearly seen her face before, or rather paid attention to it.

She looked exactly like fucking Cleo. So close I would get them confused if they were beside each other.

She grabbed my hand and stood back up,

"Stare much new kid?" she asked.

I blushed and looked down, she put her hand on my shoulder,

"Relax, I was just kidding!" She gave me that million dollar smile and I knew I was fucked.

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - Forced 2 - Insane.Where stories live. Discover now