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I went back to my room to update Olivia, practically floating there. I was so fucking relieved Cleo still loved me. Fuck everything else.

I heard voices arguing when I got outside of our room, I leaned against the cool wall outside the door...low key eavesdropping.

"You're not going to keep being a slut and thinking this shit is going to keep happening. I don't fuck whores," I heard an angry Olivia hiss.

"Baby. You know I didn't mean it. We'll talk later in the shower room okay? I'll get you to forgive me then," a trying-to-be seductive voice said lowly.

Then Margo exited the room, looking directly at me.

"Fuck you looking at Bils?" She said and winked, then walked away.

I walked into the room slowly, Olivia was shocked to see me there. I played it cool and acted like I didn't see Margo leaving.

"Okay so how did it go?" She asked excitedly. You'd think this was her love life we were talking about.

I updated her and we both screeched a little bit at the end of my convo with Cleo where she said she loves me.

There was a short period of silence and then I looked at Olivia,

"If you're into Margo why didn't you just tell me? You know I wouldn't hookup with someone you wanted for yourself."

I was kind of hurt that she thought I might. Bros before hoes.

Her face turned red and I saw a tear coming out of one of her eyes as she pulled her knees to her chest,

"It's not a relationship or feelings kind of thing. I mean...it was to me. To her I'm just one of her toys. She really is crazy...I meant that when I told you it. It was a warning. I just always fall for the crazy bitches that are total fucking whores," she emphasized the last part and rolled her eyes, falling back into her bed dramatically.

I laughed at her,

"Whores fuck better - I feel ya,"

"You know, you're not wrong," she giggled in response, "but ya know it's weird....she's so into me all about me...dying for a piece of me and to make me love her then she's fucking cold. Instantly cold. Freezer cold. And I'm standing here like what the fuck is happening?"

I had been with girls like that before, luckily I never liked any of them enough to stay around long.

"Just don't give her what she wants Olivia. Resist. There's tons of girls here and you're beautiful," I said.

She smiled,

"Thanks Bil, you're right I should move on."

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - Forced 2 - Insane.Where stories live. Discover now