Lightbugs Cam x China

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China has never seen fireflies before, so Cameron sets up a campsite in their backyard so she can get the full experience.

Strolling along the empty cobblestone pathway, Cameron trailed only a few steps behind his girlfriend. The streetlights shone down on them like a spotlight, guiding them through the darkness of the night. The first three buttons of his white dress shirt were undone to reveal his tanned chest, while her fingers lightly clasped onto the heels that she had removed almost instantly after leaving the charity event. Cameron observed with an amused smirk as she danced along the pathway, causing the hem of her lengthy dress to kiss the ground. He did not know how she had managed to convince him to ditch his pre-arranged transport home and to walk the short distance instead, but in that moment, he was glad that she had.

As if the moment could not become any more picture-perfect, a dark cloud consumed the sky and a downfall of rain descended upon the blissful couple. Cameron groaned in response to the sky's icy tears and raced towards the first tree to shield himself from the oceans that seemed to be spitting from above. However, China had excitedly giggled before throwing her head back to allow the raindrops to crash against her damp face.

China's euphoric moment is interrupted by the sound of Cameron's annoyed grumbles. Turning to find him curled beneath the large tree, she leapt towards him and tugged on his arm. "Come dance with me," she requested while using her head to gesture towards the pathway.

Cameron shook his head in protest. "We'll get soaked," he argued, "And I don't want to ruin my clothes."

Rolling her eyes at her boyfriend's materialism, she took another step towards Cameron and rested her hand upon the back of his neck. Extending her fingers, she twirled the small curls at the back of his head, causing a shiver to shoot through his body.

"Some people dance in the rain," she said, "And others just get wet."

A soft chuckle fell from Cameron's mouth at the realization that his girlfriend was repeating the quote from her favourite fridge magnet. Nevertheless, when she leaned forward to position her lips only inches from his ear, all the hairs on his body stood in response to her closeness.

"Which one will you be?" Her voice was so quiet that it was hardly audible, yet he could still feel her hot breath crash against his skin.

Cameron sighed in defeat before nodding his head in acceptance of his girlfriend's request. She squealed with enthusiasm as her fingers loosely gripped onto his and guided him towards the middle of the pathway. Cameron snaked both arms around China's waist, pulling her chest to firmly press against his. She reached her own arms around him and attached her hands together at the back of his neck. She lowered her head to rest upon his chest, feeling his racing heartbeat thump loudly within his chest.

And then they were dancing.

While there may not have been any music in the background, the pitter-patter of the raindrops acted as their own personal melody. Cameron lowered his head to press his lips against the top of his girlfriend's head. This caused her to lift her face towards Cameron , staring into his addicting brown eyes. And while the rain continued to shower them, Cameron again lowered his head to tenderly press his lips against hers. His top lip found it's place between hers and they moved gently in sync with one another, familiar with the feeling of one another's kiss. The moment had been pure and innocent, and while the kiss had only lasted mere seconds, the rain seemed to have ended when their lips ultimately broke from one another.

Cameron pulled her into his tight embrace. "I love you, China."

Cameron re-positioned his hands by dropping them from her waist and reaching for her hand, interlacing his fingers through hers. Hand-in-hand, the couple resumed their stroll to Cameron's luxurious home in Los Angeles.

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