I'll love again!

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Just before you start reading I wanted to free my soul a little here.. Lately I was betrayed by my 'friends' and I honestly don't know if I am really alright or I just repeat this sentence that I started believing I'm alright. I don't know, really.. So, this oneshot will be in two parts and about the betrayal, if it doesn't bother anyone. If you read all of this, thank you for reading it and didn't skip it, thank you all.

Sal pov

I need to start from the beging, right? Of course I need.

It all started when I was a little kid. My parents were friends with a girl's parents called y/n. They didn't lived in New Jersey but they had a house here. They would come to us at dinner with their daughter y/n. We became friends instantly. It was all so nice.

When me and my father moved to Nockfell, I felt happy to hear that y/n lived there and my father decided to move there so I can see her.

That happened a year ago. Me and my father would go to them for dinner when they invinted us, which happend very often. It didn't bother me.

Y/n was at a different school, so it was rare to see each other on the street. We both had our friend groups, so we didn't spent as much time as we used to. Still we remained good friends.

One time when we were invited at dinner at y/n's. When we arrived I saw y/n and smiled. She saw me too and smiled a little sad. She walked to me and said,

"Hi Sal! Um, it would bother you to..um..to stay a little after dinner to..talk about my feelings? I hope I don't bother you." she said.

At the last part she sounded like she was about to cry.

"Of course y/n. Anytime." I said.

She smiled once again and gave me a hug, I hugged her back. She wispered,

"Thank you."

"No need for thanking me. I'm your friend, right?"

She nodded and we both sat down. We ate, talked and laughed. After the dinner, I got up and talked to my father.

"Hey dad, can I stay a little longer to hang out with y/n?"

"Of course. See you home Sal."

I waved to my father and waljed with y/n to her room. When we got there, we sat on the bed, it was a little silence.

"So, what do you need to talk about?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, that. Heh.. Well, you know I had my friends and you yours. My friends at start were Judy and Macey. It was our little trio. Macey was friendly and was doing jokes and Judy was nice and when someone was doing sonething to her brother or her, she would be violent, but not with us. We had our fights but all ended fine. Then my other friend Lucy appeared. She is one of my classmates and we all started hanging out. Then Lucy started calling boys out, so we could be more when we played hide and seek. After some days I got sick of the game and the boys were so annoying. I didn't liked them. Then all changed. Macey changed. She bacame more selfish and so rude not like I remember her. Then I was away a week and found out from Judy that Macey and Lucy weren't calling me because 'the boys didn't want me to be there'." she said making in the air the quotes.
She became sadder as she spoke.

"One day I was hanging out with Judy and found out that she called Macey and Judy out too. When they came, of course the boys were after their asses. I walked a little far from them. And you know what Judy did? She stayed all the time with them. I stayed a little until I had enough. I was leaving when I heard Lucy saying 'You don't want to stay?' and I said 'Nope.' and Macey started 'And we can do what you do.' and she and Lucy started repeating nope. I kept calm and I said to them jaane and left."

She made a small pause. She looked broken. She turned to look at me.

"Sal, I-I don't know if I am alright or I am repeating that sentence over and over again until I started believing it. I don't know anymore, Sal."

She bursted into tears.

I hugged her. She cried a while until she stopped. Her eyes were puffy and red.

Y/n p.o.v.

"Somedays, somewhere, somehow, you'll love again. You just need to find someone." he started singing.

He looked at me and handed me his hand. I looked at him for a second and took his hand. I had no idea what he wanted to do.

We got up.

"Somedays, somewhere, somehow, I'll love again. I just need to find someone."

We walked slowly to the balcony.

"Someone, who treats you better.
Someone who wants you around."

We both looked at the stars. He never let go of my hand, not even once.

"Somedays, somewhere, somehow, you'll love again."

Then I noticed. I don't need nobody. Just Sal. He was there when I needed him the most. He is the most sweetest boy I've ever met. I just need Sal by my side. Nobody, just Sal. I like him for who he is. Being the nicest.

"Today, right here, right now, I'll love again!" I said, some tears were priking.

I cried a little. I hugged Sal, glad to have him.

"Thank you. So much for being here."

"I told you, anytime. You can hang with my friends, I'm sure they'll like you!"

"Thanks. For everything, Sal."

Sally Face x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now