34 - Ice cream shenanigans

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"You found them DOING WHAT?!"

As you might have already guessed, I was now with Patty telling her the series of unfortunate events I went through before she had arrived. To say the very least, Patty was NOT cool with it. I'll explain how it all happened.

After waiting for about ten minutes for her to arrive, when she did, I was past the whole part of being sad, confused and angry to just pure anger flowing through my veins. Patty being my best friend immediately took notice of this and asked what had happened. I wasn't ready to talk at that point so I asked her to go to the park. To be honest, it only felt right for us to go there. And it was the very last day of the term so who cared what we did that day?

As soon as we arrived, we sat on the swings and I just let all the frustration out. And after telling it all... well you've just witnessed what happened. Patty being... well... Patty immediately started freaking out.

"It just doesn't make sense! I know Adam is oblivious and all, but oblivious to a point when he straight up let's other people kiss him out of a sudden? Well that's just being a stupid asshole!" She said after calming down a bit.

"Patty, I've already lived through all that shock. Could we please just finish it all quickly and talk about something else? Please?"

She looked at me with an emotionless look. "What did you do afterwards, then? And please tell me you gave them both a punch in the face. And if you didn't, then you can count on me for that mission. I'll even do it for free."

I laughed a little at her response and then gave her an answer. "First and foremost, no one is getting punched by anyone. That would just put us on their level and I don't think a good punch is worth that. Even if it is a VERY well-deserved punch."

She rolled her eyes and then looked back at me. "If you say so then..."

"Secondly, after the whole scene I just walked past them to the main door and made my way to your car."

"Did Adam or anyone else follow you?"

"Adam did." At this moment you could see her malicious shipper smile forming. But, since I wanted to end the conversation as soon as possible, I decided to ignore it. For now, at least. "He started telling me stuff like Penelope being the one who kissed him and all that stupid stuff. And then he wa-" At that moment Patty stopped me.

"Wait-wait-wait-wait-wait! Stop it right there! Adam straight up told you Penelope was the one who kissed him?"


"And do you... believe him?"

Only Patty to come up with questions to make me think even more than I already do...

Do I believe in him? It's actually hard to say. Since October, Adam hasn't lied to me once. At the very least we've lied together, but he never straight up lied to me. But at the same time, I couldn't know if he was telling the truth either. After all, not every guy simply let's a girl kiss him out of nowhere. Adam did pull away, but the moment when he did was the precise moment Ben, Thomas and I had arrived, so I can't say if he did it out of instinct or because he had noticed us.

But then again, the kiss wasn't what made me feel angry. It was Adam himself. For not understanding that I'm not a social butterfly like him, for being oblivious as hell and for not understanding the concept of bad people in general.

Adding to this you also have Penelope, who, putting it simply, is a horny bitch. The probability of her kissing Adam without his consent just to drag attention, is extremely high. I'm not saying that I'm certain that it was her who started it... no that is exactly what I'm saying. C'mon, we all know she would be capable of doing that.

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