Chapter 1

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"WindClan fox heart!" Nightkit hissed. She barreled straight into Snowkit, knocking her right off her paws.
Snowkit stood back up and shook out her white fur. "Stop that!" She squeaked. "I don't want to play right now. I'm going to go to the medicine den and watch Ivybreeze work."
Nightkit sat down and sighed. "You never want to play anymore. Just because we're going to be apprentices soon doesn't mean you have to stop being fun." 
Snowkit gave her sister an affectionate lick between her ears. "I'm sorry, I just don't really feel like playing right now."
"Okay fine," she mewed sadly.
Snowpaw watched as her mother, Silvershade, padded over to her and Nightkit. Her mother's silver tabby fur gleamed in the sunlight, and her eyes sparkled with affection. I hope I'll look like her when I become a warrior.
Nightkit stood up and paced excitedly around Silvershade. "Can you tell us about our father again?" She begged. "Please?"
Snowkit's voice caught in her throat. Her father was an evil cat. Her mother had told them the story of Blackfur when they were still very young, and ever since then, Nightkit had begged to hear the story again every chance she got. I don't want to hear this again! I don't even want to remember that he's our father.
Silvershade glanced at Snowkit for a moment, and sat down beside Nightkit. "Not now dear, maybe another time," she mewed gently.
Snowkit let out a sigh of relief. She hated it when people talked about her father. She got up and touched noses with Silvershade, then turned towards the medicine den.
She pushed her way through the lichen that covered the entrance to Ivybreeze's den, and a strong, sweet smell washed over her. She padded inside and looked around, but didn't see the medicine cat anywhere. Snowkit realized that she was probably out collecting herbs, so she decided to come back later.
She left the medicine den and looked around, unsure of what to do now. A light brown tabby pelt caught her eye, and she recognized Thornpaw. He was carrying moss across the clearing, so Snowkit decided that she would go talk to him.
Snowkit made her way over to the young tom. "Hey," she mewed shyly.
Thornpaw's head whipped around to face her. "What do you want?"
Snowkit took a step back. Why did I think this was a good idea? "I just wanted to ask about what it's like to be an apprentice..."
Thornpaw narrowed his eyes. "Why do you care? It's not like you'll ever be one."
"What do you mean?"
Thornpaw rolled his eyes, then got right up in Snowkit's face. "Your family is evil. Blackfur was a killer, and everyone can already tell that you'll be just like him," He growled. "And I'm sure that Crowstar doesn't want any more murderers living in his clan."
Snowkit suddenly felt very small. She had no idea what to say. I'm not like my father! I hate him!
She was about to say something, but Willowpaw appeared beside her brother. "Leave her alone," she hissed at Thornpaw. "She hasn't done anything wrong, so stop tormenting her."
Thornpaw turned and hissed at Willowpaw. "Whatever. Just as long as she stays away from me." He picked his moss back up and padded away.
Willowpaw turned to Snowkit. "Don't worry about him. He's annoying, but he just says whatever he can to make other cats feel bad."
Snowkit blinked warmly at Willowpaw. "Thanks," she mewed calmly.
Willowpaw dipped her head politely, then padded away.
Snowkit shook out her fur, then decided to go find Nightkit. Maybe she would want to spend some time with her.
"Nightkit!" She mewed excitedly.
Nightkit was sniffing at the fresh kill pile, which was well stocked considering that leafbare would be arriving soon.
"Hey, Snowkit!" She squeaked. "I have an idea. Follow me!" She sprinted off towards the dirtplace tunnel.
Snowkit thought that she already knew what her sister was planning. She followed Nightkit, her heart pounding in her chest. Why did she always have to get herself into trouble? Snowkit knew she had to stop her before she did anything stupid.
"Nightkit! Stop!" She whispered urgently.
Nightkit stopped running and swung her head around to face her.
Snowkit padded around her sister and blocked the dirtplace tunnel from her path. "You can't sneak out," she stated. "We'll be apprentices soon, and you might ruin that for yourself by leaving camp without permission again." Nightkit had managed to 'accidently' end up outside of ThunderClan camp multiple times before, and every time she got caught.
Nightkit sat down with a thud. "It's not fair," she mumbled.
Snowkit nudged Nighkits shoulder light-heartedly. "Come on, I'm sure we can find something fun to do in camp."


     Snowkit padded in circles excitedly around Ivybreeze. "Oh! I know this one! It's called borage," she mewed proudly, gesturing to a pile of purple flower stalks on the ground.
Ivybreeze purred happily. "That's right," she began. "You sure spend a lot of time in here, watching me work."
Snowkit bounced happily. "Yep! I like learning about all the different herbs. You must be the smartest cat in the whole clan to memorize all of this!"
Ivybreeze blinked warmly at Snowkit. "Well, I wouldn't quite say that..." She looked over Snowkit for a few moments, then took a deep breath. "Would you be interested in becoming my apprentice?"
Snowkit started in astonishment at the pretty white she-cat. She had never thought about being a medicine cat before, but it didn't sound like a bad idea. She already knew some of the herbs, and she had to admit that she enjoyed spending time in the medicine den. She had always looked up to Ivybreeze because she believed that she had the most important role in the clan!
Snowkit nodded excitedly. "Yes! I'd love to be your apprentice!" She could barely keep her paws from moving.
Ivybreeze touched noses with Snowkit. "I'm glad. It has been a pleasure to have you in here with me while I sort herbs."
Snowkit purred very loudly. "I have to go tell Nightkit!" She exclaimed. "She'll be so happy for me!" She mewed before bolting out of the medicine den.
"Nightkit! Nightkit! Guess what!" She squeaked when she saw her sister batting absent-mindedly at a pinecone.
Nightkit suddenly looked up, as if she had just been jolted back onto reality. "What is it?"
Snowkit bounced happily around Nightkit. "I'm going to be a medicine cat!" She exclaimed.
Nightpaw had a look of shock on her face that Snowkit didn't expect. "What? You mean we wont train to be warriors together?" She mewed sadly.
Snowkit froze, a feeling of regret washed over her. "Um, no, I guess not..." she mumbled. "But we will still be apprentices together." Snowkit was trying to stay positive, hoping that her sister would still be happy for her.
Nightkit stared at her for a moment, then calmed down a little bit. "Yeah I guess so. As long as this is what you want, I'm happy."
Snowkit felt relief wash over her. I knew she would be happy for me. "Thanks," she purred. She touched her tail to Nightkit's shoulder sympathetically. She knew that her sister would always be there for her, no matter what happens.

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