Chapter 1

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Delilah could be described as many things, innocent, caring, loving even childish at times but right now she was simply one thing. Cold.

She had begun her 5-minute walk to school 20 minutes ago and has come to the conclusion that in her haste to escape the bitter wind she must have taken a wrong turn. Desperately she looks around to see if she can determine her location, but having only moved to this city two days ago there was nothing familiar.

With a sigh, she turned around and tried to retrace her steps and find the school. She let out a breath of relief when she finally saw the school come into view. She ran the rest of the way while making a mental note to save her money to buy a coat before the weather gets any worse.

Judging by the lack of people in the hallways, Delilah was officially late to her first day of school, now she will not only have to face the shame of the secretary thinking she was irresponsible but she had no one to help her find the office.

To her luck, she found the office after a minute of wandering the halls and she shyly walked up to the lady behind the desk.

"E-excuse my n-name is Delilah Healy. I-I'm new here." Delilah stuttered. She hates meeting new people and being the center of attention, she would much rather hide in the corner and go unnoticed. "Sorry about being l-late I got a little lost on the way h-here." She admitted with a blush.

"Ah yes Ms. Healy, it is no problem we all get a little lost sometimes. I have your schedule here and it looks like you will only be a bit late to your first period. Off you go now Hunny, have a great day!" The secretary spoke excitedly while shooing her out of the office. Delilah glanced down at her schedule her classes were semestered so she only had four at a time. First period was Math, Second period was English then lunch followed by gym and Biology.

Delilah grimaced a little at the thought of having to take gym as she does not have an athletic bone in her body but the rest of the classes seemed ok. She continued down the hall until she finally arrived at room 208.

She quickly opened the door not wanting to be any later than she was but upon the sudden noise of the door opening the entire class turned toward her.

"Hello, you must be Delilah. I'm Mr. Shaw you may take a seat now." The old-looking man standing at the chalkboard said.

Delilah immediately rushed for an open seat at the back in an effort to get all of the eyes off her but as her luck would have it she tripped over someone's bag and skidded to her knees on the floor. Delilah was never one to be good with pain so the tears gathered in her eyes instantly she could hear giggles and laughter around her as she tried to blink them away. Just as she was about to get up she felt arms circle around her and lift her up onto a desk.

Delilah let out a startled scream at the sudden hands on her but when she looked up she came face to face with the most gorgeous boy she had ever seen. But she was quickly distracted from her gaze as she noticed the panic in his eyes.

"Are you ok? Where does it hurt? What happened? I'm taking you to the nurse." He fired questions at her rapidly before moving to pick her up again.

"I-I'm ok" she could feel the embarrassment on her face as he continued to check her for injuries.

"Your knees are bleeding and your as cold as ice you're not ok." He stated, clearly not satisfied with her self-assessment.

"It's a scraped knee, Mr. Silverman. Hardly something for my entire class to be put on pause for." Mr. Shaw said as he made his way toward them. Delilah ducked her head in shape and anger instantly flashed on the boy's face, his arms went under Delilah's knees as he picked her up bridal style.

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