Chapter 1. The accident

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Goldys POV
WELCOME TO ANOTHER DAY AT! DAYCARE!!! I say running in. Hey Unicorn! I say running up to him. " Hey Goldy!" Unicorn says. What are you up to? I say questioning him. "Oh. Working on a New invention!" Unicorn says. Oh. What does it do? I say. "Well... It's suppose to see when someone is lying... But I haven't got it to work yet.." Unicorn says. Oh.. Well... Im going to go say hi to everyone. I say running up the stairs. HI EVERYONE!!! I yell. " Hey Goldy!" The Daycare kids say. "Hey goldy" Tina says. " Hey" Ryan says. " Hey Goldy!"Saber says. So.. Any ideas for today? I say. "Well... A Million diamonds but?" Ryan says. Sure! Sounds fun! I say. "Ok UNICORN! COME UP WERE PLAYING A GAME!!" Ryan yells. "Ok! Im up! Jeez.. No need to make me deaf RYAN!" Unicorn says. " Yea.. But.. I like yelling uwu" Ryan says. " let's just get to the roof..." Tina says.
At the roof...
No ones POV
" Ok.. I'll go first.. A Million diamonds... But! You have to watch the most worst TV show for the rest of your life!" Saber says. Tina and Unicorn moves up. "My turn... A Million diamonds but... You have to watch your most vaulabe things burn infront of you" Tina says. No one moves. " A Million diamonds but. You never have to Do anything" Ryan says. Everyone moves. " A Million diamonds but. You have to work 5 jobs" Goldy says. Unicorn, Ryan,and Tina move. "A million diamonds but... You have you have to be my test subject for a whole month" Unicorn says. Goldy moves.
After everyone was having a great time... Laughing... Smiling... And just... Having a great time... It was time for goldy to go home for the day... Her last day... No one knew that a happy girl... Could be ending up in a...
Goldy's POV
THAT WAS ANOTHER DAY AT!!! DAYCARE!!! I yell. As I got home. I saw my Dad. " Hey Goldy! Get ready"Dad says. Why? I say. "Were going to Grandma's" Dad says. Yay! Grandma's! I say. After I get ready. I go outside and into the car. As we get on the road. Dad plays some music. As I looked out the window.. I see a car... Speeding... Da- All I saw was... Black....
Do You think she's going to make it? Sigh... No..  She's gone... What about her dad? He's.... Alive... But.... Not the girl...

Who knew... A happy girl... Could be ending up in a....


That was another book! Im sorry that this was short... I hoped you liked it! Have a great day! Bye!

Im still here. (Goldycorn story) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now