Chapter 3. Bad Addiction...

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Unicorn's POV
I was crying for 20 minutes... After I decide to go to sleep. But it didn't help... I had nightmares that it was my fault... And there right... Im a superhero... I should be protecting People... And.. I failed to protect goldy...
In the morning...
As I wake up... My face was sticky from the tears... My pillow was like a tissue for my tears... I sigh and get up. I look at chip... I was cuddling with him... I grab the plushie and hide it. I didn't want anyone to take it from me... And I'm talking about Saber. He liked goldy too. So he'll probably try to get chip... I walk out of my room and go down stairs. I look up to see everyone. No one was goofing off, laughing, and running around. Everyone was either sitting down or standing up. "Hey Unicorn..." Tina says. H-hey... I mutter. Tina sighs. "Look... I know you loved her... But... We need to get over it..." Tina says trying to be supportive. I didn't say anything. " Unicorn... We all miss her... Even though we never shown it.. She's a part of the daycare..." Ryan says. I know... But... I-it's just.. Tears start to from. I-I never t-told her how I-I... F-feel... I say looking down. " I never got to shown her how I feel... And it doesn't look like im sad... But I miss her aswell" Saber says. You never even shown her love! I snap. "Well... Thats because she always hangs with you!" Saber says back. "Guys! Calm down! Do you think she wants you guy's fighting over her right now!?" Tina says. Oh says the one who hated her, killed her,and just... Be mean to her! I shout at her. " Well... I.. Actually did care for her..!" Tina says. " she's nice to have around... Even though she's annoying some times... She's funny!" Tina says. I sigh. Well... Im going to my lab... I say walking down stairs. As I make it down. I still thought about her... I sigh. U-Unicorn... D-don't let this tear y-you down... I say to myself. Maybe I should make something to get my mind... Off.. G-Goldy... I say. Even when I say her name it hurts. I work on one of my inventions. While I was. I accidentally cut my self with the razor. I take my glove off to reveal a cut... But... For some reason.. It didn't hurt... I-it felt n-nice.... For some reason... I got a temptation to cut my wrists... I pull my sleeves up... I look at my wrist... I slowly put the razor on the skin and slid it across... Blood slowly dripped from the cut. To the floor... Tears fell down my face and mixed with the blood... I-I d-desever t-this... I say to myself. I cutted a little more... When I was done... I had 5 Cuts on both of my arms. Maybe I-I should d-do this m-more... I say to myself. B-besides... I.. Do deserve this... Every inch of pain... I look up. I-I hope y-you d-don't see w-what's happening... Goldy...

Yea... Chapter 3. Sad... But that's what Unicorn thinks... That it's his fault...
Also... Your probably thinking... How does Goldy die but not respawn? Well... When there near or in the daycare. They respawn. If there at there house or anywhere farther. They can't respawn... I hoped you enjoyed.. This sad chapter... And I'll see you guys in the next one.... Bye!!!
Also... Don't cut yourself... If you do ever have a feeling of doing it. Talk with someone about it.

Im still here. (Goldycorn story) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now