Chapter 5 New friend?

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Unicorn's POV
*sigh* No crime.? I say flying around. Huh... Thats weird.. But I actually don't feel like doing any crime... I say With a sigh. I land on the ground and walk around. Maybe in the alleyways.. I say looking down one. Or.. Not... I say. The cold wind made my heart have a acing feel... I look up at the moon... I felt tears again. U-unicorn... This isn't a-a time t-to cry... I say. I walk down one of the alleyways. Not even a gang? I say looking down. I look up to see if anything was ahead. There was a forest. I never even knew there was a forest.... Actually... There has never been a forest in this area... I say to myself. There was a pathway beside the forest. Huh... Maybe I can see whats down the path... I mean.. No crime.. I say walking down the path. Ugh... Nothing?!? I say frustrated. Unicorn... Calm... Down... I say to myself. Well... Let's go back then- I then heard a shuffling noise. I turn around getting ready for a fight... But there was nothing... I sigh. I'm probably just hearing things- I hear it again... This time from the side of the forest. I look towards the forest. I see a bag? And... It was moving? I got closer. I decide to open the bag. As I open it...I saw two ears stick up then a face.... It was a... Fox? Or aleast I thought.... But.... It had wings... I was very confused. The fox manages to get out of the bag but falls. I then realized that the fox was hurt. I pick up the fox. The fox was pretty calm. So I was able to hold it. I float off the ground and fly back to daycare. As I arrived. Ryan was doing his daycare thing.
"WELCOME TO ANOTHER DAY AT DAYCARE!!!" Ryan shouts while running in the daycare. Jeez... He's loud... I say. I land infront of the daycare and walk to the playroom. Hey guys. I say. " oh hey unicorn and..?" Tina says. " who's that?" Tina says. Oh... It's a fox I found while I was on patrol. " It's so cute!!!"Tina says. Running to pet the fox. Yea... But it's also hurt- "wait.. it's hurt?!?!? Here! Give me it! I can fix it!" Tina says grabbing the fox and going to the doctors office. I follow.
After tina healed the fox...
Thanks Tina. I say. " No problem!" Tina says. "So.. What are you going to name her? Tina says. Hm.. What about...

Aurelia? I say. "That sounds like a nice name!" Tina says. Well... It looks like we have a new friend. I say.

That was chapter 5! I want you guys to try to guess what the name means.
( you guys are probably going to look it up. Idc) I hoped you enjoyed! Bye!!!

Im still here. (Goldycorn story) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now