Chapter 8. saved by you

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Unicorn's POV
*yawn* Morning? I say. Well... Time to feed Aurelia... I say getting up. I look at Aurelia sleeping on a blanket I gave her. I still Remember yesterday... When... She caught me cutting... I sigh. Well... Aleast you stopped me before I did more damage to myself... I mutter. I look at some of her toys. She had a stuff Bunny, Toy ball, and some others. Her favorite was a stuff unicorn that I gave to kids that I saved. I look at it. Well... Time to wake up! I say grabbing the stuff Unicorn. Aurelia! I got your toy! I say. Aurelia ears goes up. She jumps up and sits in front of me. I give it to her. She grabs it with her mouth. Well.. You hungry? I say. Her ears goes back up. She puts her plushie on the blanket and goes beside me. Alright. Let's go. I say opening the door.
As we make our way to the kitchen. I grab some food and put it in her bowl. As she was done.  I then stop by my lab and feed sweetie. I let them play as I work on potions and other stuff. "UNICORN!" I hear Ryan yell. Ugh.. What is it this time? I say to myself.
I walk upstairs. What is it? I say. "Why did you burn all of Saber's cheese and destroy all of Tina's plushies?" Ryan says madly. I stop. Um... What? I say. " don't make me say it again!" Ryan says. Um... I don't know what you are talking about.. I say. "Oh yea? Explain why is Tina crying? I look behide Ryan. I see Cookie hugging Tina. "Y-yea... Y-you.. Destroyed a-all of my plushies.. And.. W-was being m-mean.." Tina says in a sarcastic way. I facepalm. Ryan... You do know she's lying... Right? I say. "She is not lying! If two people are saying you were being mean to them. There telling the truth!" Ryan says. Ryan... I.. I didn't even do a thing to them... I say. " Yea... Yea... Keep on talking... Stupid.." Ryan says seriously at the end. Did you just call me... Stupid? I say. "Um Yea! I did! Got a problem with that!" Ryan says angrily. "U-um.. C-cutie?" Tina says. We ignore her. Yea I do actually got a problem with that! I say getting angrier. " Well then... GO SOLVE THAT PROBLEM THEN! AND MAYBE YOU WOULDN'T CARE!" Ryan snaps. Well... Maybe you should... SOLVE YOUR DUME TEA ADDICTION! I yell. Ryan stays silent. His face darkens. "Don't.... Even.... call.... My.... Tea.... STUPID!!!!" Ryan yells. He then.... Punches me. But... Something stops him... Aurelia tackles him to the ground! "Get off me!" Ryan yells. Aurelia growls at him. Um... Aurelia.... I-i think that's enough.... I say. Aurelia looks at me. She looks at Ryan and gets off. She walks towards me. As she was I hear that she was whimpering. Ryan gets up. "Um.. C-cutie.. Um... I was only Joking... "Tina says quietly. Ryan. Looks at her. And... His face was very red. " y-you... W-were?" Ryan says embarrass. Wow... Jeez Ryan... Who knew you could be that protective over your girlfriend? I say. " F O R T H E L A S T T I M E! I A M N O T H E R B O Y F R I E N D!!!!!" Ryan snaps.  Well.. You legit almost punched me boi. I say walking upstairs. Come on Aurelia. Let's go. I say. Aurelia follows me.
As we reach me room. I sigh in relief. Thanks Aurelia for saving me... I say. Aurelia just lays down on the blanket. Well.. I should go to bed. I say Laying down.

Sorry for the rush. Just wanns get this out there. Also... I got a challenge for y'all!

See this? This is a disc for a book on working on

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See this? This is a disc for a book on working on. And no. It's not Why I don't love. So.. Try to guess~


Nah jk it's a story about Unicorn.
Le because I'm noice. UwU
Also... It's gonna be Goldycorn as the usual.


Im still here. (Goldycorn story) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now