Normal POV
It was a bright and sunny day. The birds were chirping, and laughter was heard all throughout Möbius.All was good and well until a blue hedgehog came in sluggishly as he faceplants hard on the table, disrupting the peace of the environment around him.
"Sonic? You ok?" A voice asked, and he barely turned his head to see a young fox looking at him
"Yeah. I'm having the time of my life." He mumbles as he takes a chili dog from the table. Then he scarves it down like Cookie Monster.
The young fox who asked the same question quietly shook his head. Seeing his best friend in this mood for years really had him worried.
"Cheer up, Sonic." He said and gives him another chili dog. "Sally's putting a special surprise for you at the castle."
"I'm fine, Tails. I just want need some peace and quiet after a nice long run. That's all."
"But Sally said..." he started off, but then Sonic interrupted him.
"I know what Sally said. Is it mandatory?" He lifts his head of the table, asking with an annoyed tone.
"Then, it can wait for a bit."
Hearing that made Tails even more concerned.
Sighing a bit, he flew around, cleaning anything dusty around the place.
In reality... Everything in there was dusty and messy. As he cleaned picture frames and shelves with a cleaning wand.
"Sonic... you need to be careful. Every time I come here, more dust appears. Then I have to clean up the dustiness and mess." He said, cleaning, coughing a bit from the dust bunnies.
"I know. I'll do it tomorrow for sure." Sonic sluggishly said, waving his hand.
"Or.. You can clean up this mess, right now." Tails said sternly, flying down to him.
"Get off my back, would ya? I said that I'll do it tomorrow." He glared at him.
"Look.... I know that you're sad, but that doesn't mean that you can make a make a mess every time you enter.."
"Right pal..." He said, ignoring him.
I mean it. What would Amy say if she saw you like this?" He started but then shuts his mouth.
Sonic quickly rose up as soon as he heard that. "Amy..."
"S-sorry, Sonic. But it's been a long time since she disappeared." He lowered his ears a bit.
"I know... She's gone..."
A moment of silence passed by as Sonic lowered his head with a frown on his face.
He still remembered it like it was yesterday...
Her eyes filled with tears, her ruined dress, and most of all.....
Her cheery voice filled with cracks because of what happened...
Those thoughts ran through his mind while he constantly had flashbacks about what happened the last time he last saw her.
She pushes him back," Save it Sonic! I'm done! I'm done being that idiot that waits for you all freakin day and night! I've been giving you my unconditional love and you treat me like garbage! I gave you my heart and you just crushed it into a billion pieces! You didn't care about how much I was suffering every single damn time that you left me on those dates! I cry every single night about you, wishing that things would be different between us!"
He reaches for her arm, but she pulls it away..."You know what?! I don't care anymore!! You can be happy with her without me in the picture! You don't need me! I'm just a hopeless romantic after all! You can do whatever you want with her. Since she's your girlfriend, I'm sure that she can entertain you better than I can. But when the moment comes of you realizing the greatest mistake you ever made, don't come crawling back to me because by that time I'll be gone. You will no longer see me or know of me. I'll be a distant memory in your mind, never to return again."
And with that she sped off in tears leaving a shocked a Sonic saying, "What just happened?..."
~End of Flashback~
"She's gone and it's my fault." He lowers his ears for a bit as he touches his frowning mouth with one of his hands.
Since that day, he has been searching for the pink hedgehog wherever he could. Even to places, he didn't like to set foot in.
One of those places was a shopping center filled with deals for clothes, accessories, and anything that wasn't food or anything appealing towards the blue hedgehog.
Another was twinkle park where couples go. Except on the days he checked, it would rain and soak him. He didn't like it either
Yet, he felt like he didn't really have a choice since Amy left without a trace
He pulls out a taped picture showing a pink hedgehog in a red dress. She had a smile on her face hugging a blue hedgehog next to her
He looks back at Tails "You're right, she wouldn't want to see me like this"
He got up and started to clean the table he was sitting at.
"We can go visit Sal, after I help you pickup the mess"
"Okay." Tails goes to his workshop with his dusting wand brush
"I hope you are okay Amy. Wherever you are.." Sonic sighs looking outside the window as he puts the picture in a photo frame
~In another place..~
A pink hedgehog with long quills is walking down the street with sunglasses covering her eyes.
She suddenly stops for a moment and looks at the sky. "hm.."
"Is everything alright?" a figure next to her walks up to her
"Hm?" She turns her head towards the figure then smiles softly "Yes, I just thought I heard something"
"Maybe it's the wind? The weather is pretty breezy and from what the weatherman said earlier it could make one's hearing a bit off by the noise."
"You may be right. I think I'm hearing things that aren't here." She takes her sunglasses off to reveal her green eyes
"Let's hurry. We can't risk being late in meeting your client" The figure said as they pulled out a blanket and covered her.
"Oh um.. yea. Lets go." She puts the sunglasses on again and walks with the figure to a limousine waiting on the side
"Welcome in, Miss. Where should i take you lovely folks?" The driver asks with a warm welcoming smile
"Here, Cade." She hands the address to the driver and gets in the limo with the figure who covered her with a blanket
The driver nods his head and starts heading out the street as the pink hedgehog sighs and closes her eyes.

A new life, A new me (Slowly Returning)
FanfictionAfter being heartbroken so many times by Sonic, Amy leaves without a word. Then 4 years later, she becomes famous and has so many fans that love her, including Sonic. Will she be caught by his charms again or not? Find out in... A new life, A new me...