"I was d-dared to kuh-kiss you..."
No one in the loser's club know about Richie and Eddie. One night, Bill Denbrough is dared to kiss Richie and starts to feel a certain way. Does he come between Richie and Eddie? Or will they power through this whi...
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"Finally!" Beverly sighed, sarcastically as she saw the two boys approach her and the rest of the group on their bikes. She climbed down into the hideout and yelled at the other boy's, "They're here!" Richie and Eddie shared a look before scrambling into the hideout with the others.
"T-took you long en-n-nough." Bill breathily stuttered as he tried to laugh a little. Stan nodded and came up beside him with a shower cap on his head, "You need to put these on." He told them. Richie and Eddie took the shower caps from him with confused expressions.
"This is stupid." Richie muttered, scoffing at the cap in his hands. Stan was taken aback, "Shut up, Rich."
"Grandpa..." Richie mumbled, looking away.
"What's this for, exactly?" Eddie questioned. He opened up the cap and looked around, making sure it didn't hold any bugs or dirt inside.
"Keeps spiders from falling into your hair." He told the shorter boy with a kind, embarrassed smile. Eddie smiled back at him and quickly slipped the cap onto his head. Richie gave Eddie a look before shaking his head and putting his cap on as well, only to please Eddie and make Stan feel better. That received a thumbs up from Stan.
"Pretty handy." Ben chimed in from the other side of the underground area. A soft, innocent smile was on his rounded face as he looked over at the three boys. Stan's smile widened, "I'm a genius." He stated, proudly but still sheepishly, as that's just how he is.
Eddie chuckled, "Absolutely-"
"-Not!" Richie teased rather loudly with a mean laugh. He stopped messing around when Eddie bumped his arm and gave him a look.
He looks at Stan with a gentle 'Im sorry' smile. "Sorry, he doesn't know when to sh-"
"When to shut up. Yeah, I know." Stan replied, quickly cutting Eddie off. He seemed slightly hurt by Richie's comment. All he was trying to do was help his friends and make sure gross bugs weren't going to make homes in their hair. He walks over to sit with Bill on the hammock.
Richie can hear Beverly in the distance starting a timer. "Ten minutes, guys." She tells them.
He instantly looks at Eddie and nudges him in the side, "I call it when they're done!" Then he was skipping off with a menacing laugh.
Sometimes Eddie wonders why exactly he's dating this ornery, curly-headed, ADHD filled trashmouth. He shakes his head with a light laugh and scurries over to Richie and Beverly.
"Hey, Rich..." He leans into Richie's side. He can't be too obvious, Richie tells him not to be. It's not like he wants to be, anyway.
Richie lightly shrugged him off and placed his big- bigger than Eddie's- hand around his boyfriend's shoulder. "Hey, Eds."
Beverly gives Eddie a warm smile. She never thinks anything of their affectionate actions. None of the other do. Richie has always been highly flirtatious with Eddie, and eventually Eddie began to just deal with it and occasionally start the same thing. So, it's always been a normal scene for the rest to see.
"B-Eddie," Richie pats his shoulder lightly with a nervous, breathy laugh to cover his awkward mistake. "You should go see if Ben still has some Cola." He then suggests.
Eddie, slightly disappointed that Richie was offering him to run off even though he just got there, nods and heads to find Ben.
He finds him over in a darker corner of the hideout. His short, stalky body is attempting to repair a hole in the wooden walls. "Hey Ben," Eddie fiddles with his fingers because that's what he does sometimes when he's nervous.
Ben, being his sweet self, gives Eddie a polite smile, and he stops what he's doing just to tend to the boy. "Need somethin'?"
"Yeah, got any Cola?"
"Yeah, of course." Ben points over to the pack of cola sitting under a handmade, wooden table with his hammer in hand, "Right over there."
"Thanks." Eddie hurries to get it. He wants to get back to Richie faster. He likes being around Richie, even though he doesn't physically express it. Richie is normally the one to express that kind of stuff outwardly.
When he returns, Richie isn't in the same spot with Beverly anymore. Eddie looks over. Richie's now in the hammock, motioning his boyfriend over with a big grin on his face. Eddie smiles. He knows Richie's doing this not only because he wants Eddie's company, like always, but because he feels bad for getting nervous, brushing Eddie off, and sending him away to get Cola as an excuse to keep whatever they're doing a secret.
Eddie gladly takes a seat in the hammock with his curly-headed boyfriend.