Prologue: Awakening of Aggression

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Disclaimer: The Harbinger can turn into ANY weapon imaginable. Whatever weapon you have in mind, it will turn into that weapon. Including out of Remnant weapons.

Prologue: Awakening of Aggression

???, Your POV

"Wake up,"

"Wake up, old friend..."

My eyes fluttered open, trying to adjust to the lighting. I look at my right to see two figures standing next to me. One of light and one of darkness. I recognize them both, so I slowly stood up to face them.

"Hello, (Y/N). Did you sleep well?" Asked Light, a bit concerned about my health.

"Well, if your definition of well-rested is being submerged by dark liquid and laying down in a stone tomb for decades. Then yes. I'd say I have a good rest." I replied as my vision goes back to normal.

"Funny, (Y/N). You've roamed this land for centuries. Been places when no man or faunus would ever go. Seen things that no one would ever want to see. And you're still whining about a stone coffin."  Said Darkness, who gave you a blank face.

"I'm getting to old for this, Darkness. This repetitive cycle is slowly killing me with every life I have wasted. My lifespan gets shorter and shorter. On top of that, Ozpin and Salem has grown to hate each other because of me. They know of my power and how I can change Remnant. I have tried both sides of the spectrum, and in the end," I look into the abyss.

"They both want to change Remnant, and my approval. Both of them, Ozpin and Salem, is doing it in my name. I can't let them destroy Remnant because of my approval or in the name of good or evil. Please, tell me you two. What am I suppose to do?" I desperately asked.

The Gods look at each other before looking at me. Light was the first one to speak.

"(Y/N), you have done a lot of things for us over these years. You have been faithful to us, but now we need that faith yet again." Light said, I tilt my head in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We will need you to return to the world once again. To finally put an end to Ozpin and Salem's game." Darkness said. I raised my eyebrows at this revelation.

"Wait, do you want me to kill them both?" I asked, with my eyes wide.

Both of the Gods went silent for a moment.

"Yes, but you don't have to do that." Light said.

"It's time for you to pick a side, (Y/N). Show us who you truly are. Are you the shining light that the people hope to bring about peace? Or are you the feared darkness that will consume Remnant forever? Or perhaps you might be both?" Darkness asked. Making me speechless.

"Keep in mind, every choice will change Remnant's future. The more good choices you make, the stronger Light's Blessing will be. The more evil choices you make, Darkness' Call will be more effective and deadly. Perhaps, you can be neutral, but the outcome is unknown in the end." Light finished.

Your vision then begins to brighten up.

"It's time for you to go, old friend. Remember, picking a side will ultimately decide Remnant's future, and you too. So, pick wisely. Goodbye, (Y/N)." Darkness said, bidding his farewell before everything turned white.

A/N: Time for you to pick a side:

Ozpin - Good


Salem - Evil


Neutral - What you really want

Remember, you decide your own fate.

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