I'm back. Again. Yeah. I'm back. Probably.
Beacon Academy
Everything was burning. Almost. The prestigious academy, where it once stood, was burning in all of its glory. It was pure chaos and panic. Teachers evacuating students, Ozpin running towards a disaster shelter (fallout bunker), and two people chasing a man-child across the barren fields.
The two girls screamed as their apparitions stabbed/punched the man-child. Launching him in the air unharmed at a quick rate, flailing like a rag doll in a car accident.
"Yang! Weiss! Stop killing our father this instant!" Blake shouted as she grabbed the blonde brewer's shoulders and threw her in the ground and grabbed both of her arms.
"Weiss. Don't make me use my rose vines on you again!" Ruby warned as she swept the ice princess off her feet.
"Shut up, you two! I don't get why HE gave you two chocolates instead of ME?!" Yang questioned with burning hate. Trying to shake off Blake's iron grip on her arms.
"Oh, please! I was the one who met him first! I should be THE ONE to get it first!" Weiss retorted as she charged at Ruby with her saber.
While the four indestructible twins were duking some issues out. The man-child floats down mid-air with Yang and Weiss' chocolates in hand. With a frown in his face, he looked at his watch and it displayed:
11:30 am
'Why did it have to be the end of the month? Why did I even have daughters in the first place?' He thought as he questions his fertility and offspring chances.
How did all of this happen? You may ask yourself.
Well, it's kind of fucking explanatory. But let's go back 10 days before this XK-event even happened.
The day RWBY first made their appearance in Beacon Academy
10 days ago, A Bullhead Transport to Beacon Academy
"Congrats, Ruby! I can't believe my baby sis is going to her dream school with me!" Yang rejoiced as she brings Ruby in with a bear hug.
"Ow, ow, okay. I get it!" Ruby hissed as she felt her spine breaking in two.
"Aww, but isn't this your dream? To be a huntress and beat the greatest hunter, (Y/N)?" Yang questioned with her hands on her hips.
"Yeah, but all that excitement is lost when you blast my ears with your annoying voice!" Ruby said as she crossed her arms.
Yang mockingly gasped and put a hand over her mouth.
"Ruby. You little brat! Come here and get a noogie!" Yang playfully shouts as she grabbed Ruby's head and puts it under her arms as she noogies her little sister to death.
The only reply from the surrounding people was a heavy, wet vomit missile melting a hole through the ship.
Everyone, I mean, everyone including Ruby and Yang backed themselves up in a corner as they saw a blonde boy vomiting through the hole.
Yang and Ruby looked at each other, frowning as they looked at their boots with bits and pieces of half digested meat.
The Bullhead went into flames that day.
After that bizarre trip in the Bullhead, everyone ran for their lives as Ruby and Yang hopped off the ship with a solemn mood as the blonde boy booked for the nearest and endangered trash can and projectile vomit the rest of his lunch in the trash can. Bursting a hole through the flimsy metal and plastic.

My Time Has Passed (RWBY X Legendary Huntsman Male Reader) (OLD)
Fanfiction(Y/N), The Greatest Huntsman of All Time, have been a hero to everyone in Remnant for quite some time now. Your militaristic training and ideals has shaped the 4 kingdoms permanently. The faunus believes that you will one day take them out of their...