Chapter 4: Getting Caught Up, An Explanation(Arc 1 Part 2)

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(A/N): I am officially addicted to writing this story. There's so much potential in this. So many ideas. So many twists and turns. So much 4th WALL BREAKING- Whoops, did I say that out loud? Anyways, after updating this, I'm updating Only Male Hero and after that. ZuZu's Bizzare Adventures. So, your welcome.  

Chapter 4: Getting Caught Up, An Explanation

Moments Ago


A blur tackles you to the ground. You manage to fly a few feet away from the doorframe and land on your ass. You looked down to see Salem's face on your chest, crying black tears as she nuzzles into your coat. Her muffled cries were audible as she kept calling your name and how she missed you. 

You wrapped your arms around her neck and ran your fingers through her curls. Salem lifts her head out of your chest to look at you, and you looked back at her. You then used your right hand to wipe off her tears, smiling, you leaned in closer and kissed her passionately. She was surprised at first, but she accepted it nonetheless and kissed you back with the same passion. 


Home Sweet Home

You sat on your gold throne, with Salem sitting on your lap as she wraps your neck around with her left arm. She uses her right hand to rub your cheeks. You did the same, except you were stroking her thighs instead of her cheeks. You looked at her, and she looked back, both of you smiled at one another before you pecked her lips. She giggles and pecks your cheek before resting her head onto your collarbone. 

Her minions, except Roman, were looking at you both like they just arrived from Hell. Your adopted son, Roman, looked pretty flustered and pinched his nose from embarrassment. 

"Honey, why are your followers looking at me like they saw porn for the first time?" You asked her. She looked at you, her face still leaning onto your collarbone. 

"Well, I may have been a bit of a meanie while you were still in your coffin. Especially to Roman." She said before she averted her gaze and looked down. You couldn't help but make a frown. It hasn't been easy since you were "dead." Your little Red Riding Hood told you that when you were catching up with today's current events. 

"Babe, did you run into someone we know before you met me?" Salem asked, her eyes resembled like a puppy's. You felt glass shattering at the back of your mind before thinking about the events that took place before reuniting with Salem and Roman. 

A Few Hours Ago

As you flew with the rare Manta-Ray Grimm, your mind focused on Summer and Team STRQ. It has been a few 20 years since you've had last seen them. You wonder if they had any children while you were away. Suddenly, a memory hits you out of nowhere, remembering it made you frown. 



I turn around to see Summer hugging you from behind. I chuckled before turning around and hugged her. Summer lets out a satisfied sigh before she used her tippy toes to reach me and pecked my lips. I leaned down and did the same. 

"So how is my little Red Riding Hood doing?" I asked Summer with a smile. She looks away with a blush and scratches her cheek. 

"I'm doing fine (Y/N). I'm glad to see you again. T-That's all." Summer said while she stuttered her last sentence. I raised a brow at the tiny detail, but I ignored it. 

"That's good to know, especially since you're the one most precious to me," I told her, but she looked down and avoided eye contact. That made me a bit worried. 

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