(A/N): A lot of OCs here. Their names will be references obviously, but one of them will trigger you to the core. Also, some of the new character's names will derive from German. So look out for that, anyway, sorry for the wait. This chapter is the longest chapter I've written in my entire life.
I hope this was worth the wait.
Note: A lot of ORA ORA ORA's and a lot of MUDA MUDA MUDA's some more of that WRRRYYYYYYYY!!!
Chapter 5: Getting Caught Up, Naughty Kitty Time
After the running away from your fiance and son like a coward you are. You ended running towards Salem's room. The reason why is because you always remember going up there. Well, you remember being on her bed anyway.
You sat down on her king-sized silk bed. As you touch the soft, silky blanket, a memory comes rushing back to you.
It was pretty hazy, but you recalled that you and Salem were rolling around laughing and giggling as you make out. Then, you two stopped moving, and you ended up being on top of Salem. Your hand over hers, both of your fingers intertwined. You said something before making out intensely.
Once the memory stopped, you had a small blush on your face.
"I forgot that we always do... the thing. Every week, three times a day. It was a pretty good experience, but why is this coming back to me, damn it? Think of something useful!" You said as you slap yourself, shaking you out of those dirty thoughts.
Every time you think about what to do next, you thought about Salem - with her hair down, wearing a red and black dress that is tight enough to hug her body. She points at you and inches you to come to lie down with her. The other half of you wanted to focus on finding your family first, which is seeing how Kali and Willow are doing. However, the other half of you wanted to plow Salem in her bed after being away from her.
Not wanting to argue with your conscience, you reached into your coat and pulled out a cigar. You put the head of the cigar on your mouth. Then, you snapped your fingers, lighting up the foot of the cigar. You inhaled a considerable amount of smoke before inhaling it.
'At least I still have the remnants of all that magic I gave up.' You thought to yourself as you inhaled more smoke.
"I thought you quit smoking the last time I saw you?" A voice said, coming from the door.
You turned to the door to see Salem, with her hair down, wearing a tight red and black dress. You cursed yourself for predicting this kind of scenario, except that she's coming closer to you, licking her lips as she looks at you. Before she could approach you, she closes the door behind her.
Oh for the love of all-
Suddenly, Salem pounces on you. She ended up pinning your arms and legs and held your hands, restricting your movements. Her pupils now replaced with hearts, her breath uneven and drool dripping down her chin. You being in this situation before, you tried to break free from her monstrous grip. With a bit of effort, you managed to break free from her, and you flipped her.
Now you're on top of her, and Salem seemed surprised that she got dominated easily. It was your turn to grip her hand, but this time, you gently intertwined your fingers with hers.
"Salem, snap out of it!" You shouted at Salem. At that moment, her pupils reverted to normal, and her primal instincts faded. She was confused at first as to why you were holding her down like that, but she quickly realized what she did, and a big red blush crept on her unusual white skin.
"O-Oh, I-I'm sorry! I d-didn't know what came over me I-" Salem stuttered before you interrupted her by a kiss on the lips.
"Don't worry about it, honey. I had memories of us when I touched the silk blanket, and it was driving me crazy, too." You told her.

My Time Has Passed (RWBY X Legendary Huntsman Male Reader) (OLD)
Fanfiction(Y/N), The Greatest Huntsman of All Time, have been a hero to everyone in Remnant for quite some time now. Your militaristic training and ideals has shaped the 4 kingdoms permanently. The faunus believes that you will one day take them out of their...