(Y/N), The Greatest Huntsman of All Time, have been a hero to everyone in Remnant for quite some time now. Your militaristic training and ideals has shaped the 4 kingdoms permanently. The faunus believes that you will one day take them out of their...
A/N: I wanted to make this before going into Arc II. Shits going down so might as well do this now. This information will be used for future chapters. Just doing the Bio for Team RWBY only.
Note: Where things get fucking complicated. And I'll, um, explain it in the comments. I guess
Name: (Y/N) Schlafende
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Alt. Name: Monty Oum
Aliases: Legendary One, Oum, God Hunter, Grimm Slayer,
Age: 17 ½
Height: 185 cm (6'5 ft)
Stand Name: [Star Platinum: The World Over Heaven], [Killer Queen], [Crimson King] (When being Monty Oum)
Semblance: Light's Blessing, Darkness' Call
Quotes: "Yare Yare Daze...", "It's a bad day for you to piss me off."
Bio: Nobody knows how the legendary hunter attained immortality, but people speculated that he was born during Remnant's prehistoric times who has gained favor of the Gods. People have been debated if (Y/N) should be considered a God for generations. Emerging from Mt. Schlafende from time to time, he has managed to stop the end of Remnant over five times from the mysterious Elder Grimms, making him the best hunter that ever set foot in Remnant.
It has also been noted that all of the technological advances was all thanks to (Y/N). The Living Sword: Harbinger, a unique sword that can change its entire structure from the wielder's wishes, inspired hunters to create hybrid weapons equipped by many aspiring hunters/huntresses and huntsman. Aside from that, (Y/N) had military records dating back to the very first years of recorded history. From The Great War to the Faunus Rights Revolution, he was a direct leader and a cunning tactician. He can also speak the forgotten language (German) fluently, unlocking the secrets to prehistoric ruins and its fate.
Being unusually immortal, his descendants spread far and wide. Three-quarters of the population in Menagerie shared a small portion of (Y/N)'s genes. All four kingdoms have admitted that more than half of the population is (Y/N)'s descendant.
Out of all the children (Y/N) had, there were four children that he was particularly fond off. These four reminded him of the four daughters who passed down magic onto them. But first, he has to train all four of them to be better than the best, and to be better than him in every way. All the while train the mysterious power inherited from (Y/N) as well and figure out what they are in the first place.
Personality: Unpredictable, calm, stoic, short tempered, confident
Wives/Fiancee (Currently): Salem (Wife), Willow Schnee (Wife), Summer Rose (Fiancee), Raven Branwen (Fiancee), Kali Belladona (Fiancee), Sienna Khan (Fiancee)
Children (Current Names): Roman Torchwick (Adopted) (Oldest), Winter Schnee (Second Oldest), Yang Xiao Long (Third Oldest) Weiss Schnee (Middle Sibling), Blake Belladona (Third Youngest), Ruby Rose (Second Youngest), Whitley Schnee (Youngest)