At some point, I have to bring a piece of the past somehow. Not just Remnant, but others as well.
Context: This all happened during the Initiation started.
"My God... Why is this here?!"
"(Y/N)? Why do you sound so... scared?"
The orb... No this doesn't make sense at all!
"No... no... This is impossible. It's not supposed to be here!"
Running over to the fainting dark red orb. You picked it up and tried to slam it. It failed as the orb levitated into the air.
Moments later, it started floating away from your group and flew towards a... coffin.
'No way... This is my...!'
"What in Remnant's name is that?!"
"What the fuck is that thing..."
"By the Gods..."
Suddenly, a familiar psychic grip holds your head still as your vision begins to shake violently as a rumbling voice spoke to you and your party.
"Welcome home, Agony, the Cruel Tyrant of Hell."
A long time ago, in a world far away from this one. Is a world filled with greed, grief and strife. Where the Earth was hanging by a thread of fate by two people. A man and a woman. A match made in Heaven. The two of them fought a great evil that threatened the Earth. In the end, the all mighty duo saved the Earth from their fate. But at the cost of a very powerful ally.
The woman survived, but her partner was nowhere to be found. Struck with grief and guilt, she carved his symbol in her indestructible armor. A memory she will forever remember in the deepest depths of her mind. She believes that her partner is still out there. Fighting off other evils out into the cosmos. He better be, for he is responsible for giving life inside of her. Once he comes back, there's no way he's getting out of this one.
Present Day - The Mortal Realm of Remnant
"Brother. Are you okay?" The headmaster of Beacon Academy, Ozpin, quietly shook his brother, (Y/N), from his deep nap.
"Oz? What happened? Is everything okay?" You asked groggily as you rub your eyes.
"It is. In fact, you were mumbling something incoherent in your sleep. Mind explaining what it was?" He asked, deeply concerned over it.
"No, it was... nothing. Just dream talk, you know, normal human stuff." You said, shrugging off a bitter memory that should never happen again to any world. Ever.
Your Scroll vibrates violently in your pocket. Pulling it out, there was a text message sent by Willow.
You opened the text and began reading it. Only for you to be shocked when she told you that it is urgent and you were needed to be there. Putting the Scroll back to your pocket, you stood up and walked for the tower's exit.
"Where are you going? The Initiation have just begun." Asked Ozpin.
"Willow needs me. Something must have happened back home." You replied before hastily exiting the tower.
"Is he going to be all right?" Glynda asked behind Ozpin. Concern written on her face.
"I hope so. He mumbled something I don't even want to know." He replied as he sipped some coffee.

My Time Has Passed (RWBY X Legendary Huntsman Male Reader) (OLD)
Fanfic(Y/N), The Greatest Huntsman of All Time, have been a hero to everyone in Remnant for quite some time now. Your militaristic training and ideals has shaped the 4 kingdoms permanently. The faunus believes that you will one day take them out of their...