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Author: Hello my fellow comrades, I have forgot to mention if you want Summer alive. So do you?

With that out of the way. Let's indulge ourselves with this juicy prologue.

Ah- the scenery of a fresh new day had come upon our very own cinnamon roll.

He opens his eyes with a yawn before getting out of his bed. He gets dressed for another day of UA High.

He walks out of his dorm room and into the Height's Alliance living room where a few of his classmates were just waiting there.

Izuku: Goodmorning everyone!

He says with his trademark smile not knowing that his female classmates had pink hues on their cheeks.

Bakugo: Tch...Morning Nerd.

All: Morning Midoriya-san/Deku-kun/Midori!

After chatting about 7 minutes, they had left to their classroom.

Upon arriving, they all sat down while Izuku sat near the window with a quick thought.

'I feel like something is going to happen...'

Aizawa walked in with his usual stoic expression.

Aizawa: Sit down. Class w-


Aizawa: Proble-

He looks over to see Izuku fading in a white light.

1-A: Deku!/Midori!/Midoriya-san!

They try to grasp onto him...keyword 'try'.

Izuku: Guys...

They kept trying and failing to grab him as most of his body had disappeared.

Izuku: Guys... Please...stop. I'm fading away.

The door busts down with All-Might with a smile however it turned into a gasp of horror as he sees his so- successor! As his successor dissapates upon with a goodbye.

Izuku: Please don't cry about me disappearing...! Smile for me.

He disappears with no trace.

Ochako was the first one to break-down, then Iida, then Shoto...soon enough the whole class broke down with tears dripping onto the floor.


He yelled at the top of his lungs screaming into the heavens...

'Where am I?' 'Why is it so dark?'


Izuku: Ack!

God: Jeez. And here I thought you would wake up 10 mins after arriving.

Izuku immediately shot up and looked around to see clouds and a...

A teenager!?

God: What surprised? You thought I would be some ol' geezer with a white beard?

Izuku nods with a tilt.

God: Pffft! Haha! Look Izuku. I'm going to keep this short. I want you to do something for me.

Izuku: And that is...?

God: To protect a world...named Remnant.

Izuku: Remnant?

God: It's like your world... However a bit more diverse.

Izuku: Sure I'll protect it- But um... Do I still have OFA?

God: Of course you still do! I'll be giving you two gifts as well!

God somehow gets a scythe that had green and black camo on it.

God: This here is Emerald Rose-
It is a full high velocity sniper rifle and a scythe. Now the next gift... It's a bit extreme and it'll hurt you a bit so close your eyes.

Izuku: Sure...

He closes his eyes.

God: Little changing here and there...and done!

Open your eyes Izuku.

He opened his eyes feeling no difference what so ever.

Izuku: I don't feel...different?

God: Look in this mirror.

He looks into the mirror to see his eyes...

From emerald green to completely silver with a faint glow.

Izuku: That cool!

God: And so this is where our meeting ends Izuku. Hope you have enjoyable time in Remnant.

Also... Be a hero to all. PLUS-

Izuku: ULTRA!

God then snaps his fingers.

God: I hope I didn't forget to say that he will be 6 years old again...

Oh sh-

???: C'mon Ruby!

Ruby: You took my cookies Yang!

The now blonde girl named Yang is currently running around with cookies. The other girl has black hair with red tips now named Ruby is chasing her half-sister outside.

See ya next time! Janai!

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